Emmaline nearly walked on. She paused in mid stride beneath the gates staring longingly at the streets beyond. All she had to do was take two more steps and she could leave her fellow prisoners to deal with there own problems. Cursing herself for a fool she turned around and walked back towards the guard with all the offended dignity she could muster. "A jester," she began with a despairing glance at Lorcan, "is supposed to be funny." She turned an apologetic look upon the guard, rolling her blew eyes in a long suffering fashion. "I apologize for our wretched condition, it has been a long march, I am Lady Emmaline Von Morganstern and these," she paused to sweep her hand over the rest of the group, "are my retainers." "We were set upon by bandits not a days march for your walls, oh not to worry, we won't blame you for such misfortunes when we report the matter to the city council," she continued, the slight stress on 'blame' was hardly noticeable. She didn't know precisely what political conditions prevailed within the city but the tendency of those in power to pass blame down to the lowest member of a food chain was a human universal. "I am afraid that our valuables were mostly lost in the bandit attack, even my clothes!" she bemoaned, eyes indignant with the injustice of it all. "We were forced to flee with nothing but what we were carrying, I had nothing but my sleeping shift!" "Captain Raddek," she barked, turning to the mercenary, "Please take these men's names so we can assure they are suitably rewarded for speeding our way into the city once I have spoken to my Guest Friends in the city. Raddek managed to keep his eyes from bulging though his lips moved silently. Emmaline thought he might be mouthing the words 'low profile' probably followed by something obscene. [hider=Rolls] Deception - 7 [/hider]