Galenodel tied his mount to a tree, before he bent down and examined the deer tracks on the ground. "Fresh, less than ten minutes ago." He quickly moved thru the underbrush quietly with each step, something that came natural with all elves from the forest. It wasnt long before the king came in sight of a massive buck sipping water froma creek. The elven king removed the bow quietly, and notched an arrow. The sun was setting, and he knew Madeline and Allisara would be worried if he didn't return soon. He let loose the arrow....*Whooooosh* The arrow would have dropped the buck had it not been for the large wolf that ambushed it. The beast was on top of the buck before the deer even knew what was happening. "Shit!" exclaimed Galenodel. The beast looked in his direction, then flung the dead buck from it's gaping mouth. It's piercing red eyes met the Elf's green eyes, and they stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly the massive wolf stood on its hind legs, and the King knew right then, he had crossed paths with a Werewolf. The elf let loose, one after another with arrows at the beast, which just pissed it off more. The werewolf howled, it's baneful cry could be heard throughout the countryside. The chase was on, as Galenodel ran towards his mount, with the beast hot on his feet.