As the others joined Vreta in the lobby, he had a moment of concern for Rhia. She had not given him any alerts, but he could notice when she was less present than usual. Not to mention the fact that he could “feel” her mind, in a sense. He could not feel her exact thoughts unless she shared them intentionally, but he always had a sense of her mood in the back of his mind. [i]Rhia, talk to me. I can tell something’s going on.[/i] Vreta thought. [i]I’m fine. Right now, at least.[/i] Rhia answered. [i]I think we’re being scanned in some way, or I am. There is something peering into my memory, I think. There was something that came to my mind, and I couldn’t seem to stop it.[/i] Vreta hummed in thought. What she described was familiar to him, though he was not yet sure of what the implications of it were. The Entity on Rothia had that capability, so it could be indicative of the being integrating with the Cradle. Unfortunately, they just did not have enough information to know. While he was curious if the others were experiencing the same thing, they had no choice but to keep moving. “I don’t have the blueprints to this place, so you will have to be the one to guide us.” He commented. Vreta took a moment to press one hand against one of the thick spikes jutting out at an angle from the ground to check its strength, then took a step back to get a running start. Sprinting forward, he ran up the side of the spike for a moment, then used it as an elevated point to leap up to the second floor above them. From there, he turned back around to help up the others behind him. “We should try to stick to the high ground as we move, though.” He recommended.