[center][h3][i][color=skyblue]Kendra Serrana[/color][/i][/h3][/center] Kendra was relieved that when they found the halfling in the town hall, the captain wasn't arresting him. She wondered how long that would last. She waited while the captain showed Jitter their collection of books on the third floor. [color=skyblue][i]Missing fishermen... going missing from a place like this sounds like death.[/i][/color] She remained in the town hall until Imdra returned from the upper floor. [color=skyblue]"Anything else you can tell us? Where they were last seen, if they have families in town we could talk to, what you suspect might've happened to them? Any relation to this business with the wizard and the adventurers?"[/color] [i]Find those missing fishermen[/i] wasn't exactly enough to go on. [color=skyblue]"Also... what would be the payment you're offering for finding them?"[/color]