Theodorick was throwing around a few different ideas in his head before landing on one he liked. [color=violet] "It doesn't sound like too bad of a job but I think we should wrap up our other stuff first, adding more tasks will end up bitin us eventually" [/color] Mathew says folding his arms across his chest. He turns towards Imdra with a more solemn look across his face before speaking[color=violet] "I don't wanna say no either, since these fishermen might need our help, but they have been gone for quite awhile and it sounds like we'll be retrieving what's left of em instead of bringin em home"[/color]. [color=violet] "I say we should hurry up our search for the chwinga than see if we can find the lost fishin folk, while workin at that we can find a boat to borrow too"[/color] Theodorick adds hopefully giving some more focus on their objectives at hand.