Jitter searched thru the books and scrolls, tossing each one to the side, if they were not important. History check roll 9 Not seeing anything of use, the halfling sighed, as he closed the last book. [color=Khaki]"That was a waste of time."[/color] [color=Khaki]"Wait...what's this?"[/color] He picked up a strange book with blood stains, [color=Khaki]"This could be a clue,better show the others."[/color] He slid the book into his backpack, (sleight of hand 2+7=9) Jitter thanked whoever was tending to the library, before exiting. He couldn't wait to show the others what he had found, but his stomach protested. The door of the town hall swung open, as Jitter exited, heading for the nearest tavern. Passing someone on the street, he asked which way to the nearest drinking hole?