[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/d30e0b3bcbb52e9e11cdc6a848a22602.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/2936919c1d8c36df6fb303c8579b3a49.png[/img][/centre] Amanda was not optimistic at her current situation. She's got a house ridden with traps and no visible way to disarm them outside of manually going in and making sure it's defused. Not a proposition she likes anytime soon. But then she heard about Micheal's proposal, and her interest was piqued. [color=bbbbbb]"A control room? Alright, I don't think there is anything we can do here other than find that supposedly missing control room, but assuming we don't find it, or it doesn't exist in the first place. We have to go in manually and disarm each traps individually. Xaviron? Morgana?"[/color] She asked the Elf agent and the Scientist. [color=bbbbbb]"Do you have experience disarming traps manually? I know it's a bit of a stretch for your skillset, but I think that you two should try and disarm these traps manually, I myself and Micheal here will look around and see the outside of the house. While Faye and Ross will be on lookout, this is a house with traps, and we don't know if the owners of this place will be happy with OMR agents snooping around."[/color] She turned towards Micheal. [color=bbbbbb]"Alright. So let me see what's outside the house."[/color] She said, looking around and meandering through the house's grounds, noticing nothing, but nonetheless seeing an oddity. She quickly returned to Micheal, presenting her findings. [color=bbbbbb]"Alright, so there's nothing out of the ordinary here, just some mines in the backyard and trees, but I do notice that this house is only paired with that house on the left side."[/color] She pointed towards the other house. [color=bbbbbb]"And for 500 yards there's nothing but fields and trees. Should we take a look at what that [i]other[/i] house has to offer?"[/color] She's really hoping that her intuition would prove correct again, that the 2nd house here has something worthy of investigation (hopefully with a control room present). It's going to be a pain in the ass seeing Morgana and Xaviron try to jig out bomb defusal on the fly, and possibly having to activate her energy shields every 5 minutes or so. [@Martian][@ReusableSword][@King Cosmos][@BigPapaBelial][@13org]