"[i][b]Double-Dooches!?[/b][/i] ... Sounds naughty, maa-haa-haa~" Brandy would exclaim, and then snicker, as Dooch's daughter ran off to ger her old man. When the big guy reappeared, the satyr let out a breath of relief. Yeah, she definetely prefered Dooch looking like an old, grizzled, hard-laboring farmer-man, rather than a busty, teenage southern-themed bumpkin babe. She stayed quiet for most of the exchange between Alice and the orc, still bobbing up and down, swaying to and fro on her hooves with her hands behind her back. Then Alice's stomach growled. [color=green]"That there was a powerful growl o' hunger if I ever did hear it."[/color] Dooch said, an amused and toothy grin on his previously serious and business-only-like face. Brandy burst out laughing and almost fell onto her back, rolling around on the ground and chirping for air. She didn't. But it was close. [color=green]"But yeah, ya gals can go 'head and keep that their pesky varmint for yerselves, lemme jus'"[/color] [i]Crackk, Pop![/i] [color=green]"-aaaand there we go."[/color] The orc just grabbed the hare, twisted the head off like it was nothing more than the lid of some pickle-jar, and handed back the now decapitated body to Alice, without batting an eye. He then proceeded o reach into his burlap-y-looking pants and pulled out a small pouch. [color=green]"Job's done 'n all's well, here's the pay, lil' ladies. If'n I ever be needin' more o' them critters gone, I'll be sure to call on ya guild-folk 'gain. Ya'll take care now on yer way back home, y'hear?"[/color] Dooch said, with a hint of friendliness for the first time. He then proceeded to close the door in their faces, not inviting them in for dinner despite having heard the plaintive wail of a werewolf maiden's rumbling tum-tum. Luckily, Branndy had swiped the pouch of coinage, so all was good! They now had a headless carcass, and a sack of coins. The only thing left to do was head back to litroot and report their success. Brandy positively beamed with pride and confidence, burning as brightly as the sun which had - for the most part - fully set by now. Hands on her sides and chest puffed out, she had a positively horizon-spanning smile on her face, that almost seemed to reach from one ear to the other. "Al! We did it! We did it, Al! We're full-fledged, undeniable, unquestionable, irresistible, impossible adventurers!" Brandy exclaimed, jovially, as she struck a dramatic pose on Dooch's porch. "We've taken on and beaten a tough quest full of danger and mystery! Ain't nobody gonna be able to doubt our legit, deflowered adventuring skills anymore! Hm-hmm!" ... Brandy's choice of adjectives aside, it seemed she was very excited about having finished this particular quest. Likely because this was the first bit of actual 'combat' she'd ever been in, aside from possible squabbles and spats with her adoptive siblings and neighbours back home. "I'm so glad you teamed up with me, girlfriend! You're like, 'totes adorbs, super-smart and a champ at fightin' too! I'm almost a bit jealous of how great you are! But don'cha fret, 'cuz this bombshell's gonna catch up to ya one day, alright?" Brandy stated, brazenly and without any sort of credible merits or talents with which to back up such claims, but she was in a good mood regardless. though, she calmed down as the two were leaving the farm and looked over to her side as the girls were walking. "By the by, Al. Yer tum was growlin' something firece back thar." She was obviously trying to imitate Dooch's manner of speak. Especially noticeable since she had a mischievous grin on her face. "Ya wanna wrangle up sum grub'n then have atussle in the hay~?" She asked, gingerly wiggling her eyevrows while still grinning.