[table][row][sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][right][color=2e2c2c]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][/right][/b][/h3][/sup][/row][row][cell][h2][color=FFFACD][sup][sub]✦[/sub][/sup][/color] [color=E64041]Botan Naito[/color] [color=FFFACD][sup][sub]✦[/sub][/sup][/color][/h2][/cell][cell][color=2e2c2c]-[/color] [right][sup][img]https://i.ibb.co/1bqJWh4/Ani068OD.png[/img][/sup][/right][/cell][/row][/table][hr]Everyone was very eager to disembark, Botan included, so after Arlo confirmed that the blue haired woman was his sister and then challenged a race to shore the young woman smiled brightly and dashed off after him. She wasn't as quick as him, shorter legs and much less experience and all, but maybe she could use her smaller size to her advantage in weaving through the rest of the people on board! Botan descended the stairs to the lower deck quickly, but just before enacting her plan of squeezing right through the crowd a very familiar Pokémon's voice reached her ears. [i]"Champ."[/i] Jarvis was a few steps behind Botan, having spotted her running and being quick to catch up with her. Slowly Botan came to a stop, turning to smile sheepishly at the Machamp. Each of his four arms were laden with bags. There was a large red duffel with a few charms attached to it's zippers, a second nearly identical bag with contents that seemed bulkier than whatever was in the first one, a big rectangular canvas bag that clearly had to have been some kind of pop-up tent, and a slightly smaller gray bag that was unremarkable compared to the others. [color=E64041]"Looks like you've got everything! Thank you Jarvis."[/color] The Pokémon grunted happily in response. Together the two made their way more slowly off of the ship, the small crowd parting ahead of Jarvis to give him and his ward space. Once on land, Botan breathed in deeply and spread her arms wide. [color=E64041]"We made it! Panmia Island... islands? Well, we're here! It's that real start of our adventure!"[/color] The island was beautiful, even just the small fraction of it they were seeing. The foliage was lush and green, and even where the small makeshift buildings were situated there were swaths of plants untouched - the land carefully combed and cleaned just enough to make space for the humans living there now. It felt much more wild than the fields of Kanto. The gardens of Celadon were much more colorful, but they were arranged that way - and the plant size didn't even hold a candle to the ones on this island. The only thing that could compare in Botan's home region was the Safari Zone, but even that was a planned jungle, sculpted by humans. Botan looked off into the distance toward the treeline, looking for any sign of wild Pokémon. At the moment she didn't see any besides the birds high overhead, which she could barely make out. Most likely they were more Wingull, if their cries were any indication. [color=E64041]"Alright!"[/color] Botan turned to Jarvis and held out a hand. [color=E64041]"A bag, please! Since this is a proper adventure with a whole group, I want to start carrying my weight! ... or some of it, at least!"[/color] Jarvis looked skeptical, but he held out the smallest bag - [color=E64041]"Jarvis! One of my own bags!"[/color] - at first before switching to one of the red duffels. He gave her the lighter of the two, and though Botan struggled initially with holding it once she got the strap over her head and the bag balanced on her hip, she felt quite proud of herself. [color=E64041]"Thank you! Now, let's meet up with the others."[/color] Like the rest of them Botan made a detour to group sign-ups, but was pleased that one of them had already gone to the trouble of registering their group. She made a quick correcting to the spelling of her name and then joined the group where they all waited a little ways off. It seemed that she met up with them at just the right time, as Isla kicked off the discussion about planning before heading into the wilderness proper. [color=E64041]"Oh! For supplies, I brought everything I could think of!"[/color] Botan said, gesturing to Jarvis with both hands. She wasn't exaggerating in the slightest. [color=E64041]"I got a tent, clothes, blankets, boots, canteens, a small stove, a flashlight, escape ropes, repels..."[/color] She counted the items she remembered off, ending with, [color=E64041]"...a punching bag, and food!"[/color] Jarvis nodded along with every item listed, confirming that it was indeed among those he carried. She might have gone overboard with her packing, but it was a (mostly) uninhabited island. Better safe that sorry, right? [color=E64041]"Plus, Jarvis can take care of anything we need in the strength department. You'll find that he is very capable. As for me..."[/color] she trailed off, growing quiet. A dust of pink brushed her face, realizing that compared to Arlo and Isla, and probably everyone else too, she didn't have any skills relevant to surviving outdoors. [color=E64041]"Um... well, I brought my credit card. I'm not sure what we can obtain with money here on the island, but rest assured I have that covered."[/color] It was all she could offer at the moment, besides the supplies she'd brought. Hopefully that would change though, she was planning to make the most of this expedition and learn as much as she could. She also meant to correct Felix once he'd arrived that she was actually the last one off the boat, but the next thing she said piqued her interest so much that it pushed every other thought from her brain. [color=E64041]"Oh! Yes! Thank you Felix, I'm so excited to get a Pokédex of my own! I'm going to go get in line now!"[/color] And so she went, the big bag she held bouncing off of her with every step she took as she hurried over.