“I’ve been poisoned.” 595 slurred. She was feeling decidedly light-headed all of a sudden. It was hard to delineate whether this was because of the wound, or the heady environment they were in. “Use of foreign nanites is against protocol - it has to be the infirmary.” The Agent looked about again, her suit compensating for her unsteady footing and blurring vision. “Give me overwatch, we’ll sweep both floors at once.” “Agent!” A male voice called from the entrance. Freyr rushed to the gantry and leaned over as far as she could go to look at the exterior doors. Through the gloom, she could just about see a white-haired man in a tactical vest standing up after crawling through the hole. He brought his gun up to his eye as 595 slowly turned around to face him. Freyr spotted another person crawling through the gap behind him as he stepped forward. 595 paused for a second before answering. When she responded she sounded drunk. “Gene? That you?” Then the Agent’s visor slithered off her face, she doubled over and threw up on the ground.