“Step away from her!” The man named Gene bellowed, knuckles white on the grip on his SMG. Twin blue lights blinked on through his eyes, looking squarely at the Rothian. They were dimmer than what Freyr had seen from the Agent, but still disconcerting. As he came closer, Freyr made out that the man had olive skin and a stocky build. He was wearing a formal dress shirt and tie under the tactical vest, with rolled up sleeves that exposed muscular arms. Dark patches of what looked like blood stained the white material. His face was all cut up, like broken glass had sprayed in his face. The second figure stood up and immediately raised their pistol. Freyr saw she was a woman, with nut brown hair pulled back and down in a ponytail. She was also wearing a tactical vest over her blue formal shirt but under a black business jacket. Blood dripped from a gash in her left arm. “It’s ok, it’s…” 595 coughed, raising one hand to stop them from her hunched position. She spat out more phlegm, then instructed her suit to send diagnostics over. “Where is Dr Lang? Is she here?” Gene asked, lowering his gun slightly as they both moved towards them.