At being told that, point blank, saving the world was going to cost her, Gram only had a smile and words to return, saying: [color=gray][b]"Thankfully, my treasury hasn't been emptied yet. And I assure you, wealth beyond measure is only the start for someone that saves the world."[/b][/color] Vani and Gram would lead the gilded woman forward, with Vani being surprised she could balance perfectly fine with all that... Everything. As they would exit the room that Mammonie had been inside, the dim ruin would be lit up in a brilliant blaze of luminance as Vani raised his hand, palm open and two fingers together raised. [color=tan][b]"Lumin,"[/b][/color] he said, before there was a ball of shimmering light trailing behind him. And then, the sight and stench that no ordinary person was prepared for would hit Mammonie...that of death. Of blood. Of long-since rot crawling its way back to the surface as soon as virgin senses were there for them to foul. Littering the ruin were countless half-rotted corpses, preserved in the cold with a fair number looking like very...very fresh corpses. Gram would approach Mammonie and offer her a handkerchief without looking at her. [color=gray][b]"Its an intolerable stench in its own right. And part of the reason we've summoned you."[/b][/color] Gram didn't seem all that particularly bothered by the bodies...likely because her and Vani had already seen them, and perhaps partaken in eliminating them. Gram wasn't certain if Mammonia was weak enough to vomit from something like this, but it was better to not take chances and have her vomit in the holy ruins. [color=gray][b]"In summary, the reason that we've summoned you here is because a God needs to remember how to die..."[/b][/color] the draconic woman would say, stepping down from the last piece of a staircase leading out, crushing a skull that rolled under her heel. [color=gray][b]"Before they restart the war that took the combined efforts of every other God in order to stop."[/b][/color]