[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/pt/fontes-legais/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210821/44d2134c93652d3f28c267f185865712.png[/img][/url][/center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/4d/83/434d831ecb33063b7121724acfd3d913.gif[/img] [right][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/99/f1/ae/99f1ae690c1044fee43f0e16089b5224.gif[/img][/right] [color=4B4B9C][u][b]Location: The Romano Household Interaction: Each other. [/b][/u][/color] [color=silver]The godawful sound of his alarm pulled Vincent from his semi-decent sleep. Groggy, lazy, and still catching a whiff of the cheap deodorant he used to hide the smell of smoke in his room the night before, he forced himself out of the comfort of his bed and the linen sheets, that always seemed a thousand times more inviting in the early morning. Not that it was [i] that [/i] early, and given the fact that punctuality was not very high up on his list of priorities, Vincent was pretty sure he’d arrive at Dellbrook late, as he had done every single day of his academic life. He threw something decent (and way too expensive) on, and spend more time on his hair than he’d like to admit- but it was always worth it for the end result, Vince looked good, and he knew it. Whistling down the stairs and not at all concerned with the ticking clock, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Mia, already going through her breakfast. It seemed his half-sister had a bit of a radical change overnight.[/color] “[color=0054a6]Mornin’.[/color]” [color=silver]Vincent said, not helping a shit-eating grin as he leaned against the kitchen doorframe [/color]“[color=0054a6]What the hell happened to your hair?[/color]” “[color=92278f]It’s bangs.[/color]” [color=silver]Mia defended, already looking up annoyed at him[/color] “[color=92278f]What? They look cool, I did them myself![/color]” “[color=0054a6]Yeah, clearly.[/color]”[color=silver] He snorted, which the girl responded by flipping he bird [/color] “[color=0054a6]Diane seen that yet?[/color]” “[color=92278f]…No.[/color]” [color=silver]Barking out a laughter, Vincent shook his head as he grabbed an apple, already turning on his heel and heading for the car outside.[/color] “[color=0054a6]Oh, Christ. Move it, let’s get you out of the house before she does.[/color]” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [center][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/X33Jf2lMMGibu/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210801/6da6db001160ddb824826338b093eed0.png[/img][/center] [color=0054a6][u][b] Location: Dellbrook Interaction: ?[/b][/u][/color] [color=silver]Escaping the inevitable confrontation with his step-monster and her wrath, Vincent honked loudly and obnoxiously until Mia got in the BMW, cursing him out the entire time as she did. They didn’t talk much in the car ride to the school, as they never really did, and Vincent just put on Whole Lotta Red to hype himself up for another day of not paying attention in class and skipping school to go smoke behind the bleachers. The sweet, sweet American educational system. To nobody’s surprise, Vincent nearly missed homeroom, and proceeded to strut his way over to Ms. Goldman's class, while making no move to rush himself.[/color] “[color=0054a6]Morning, Ms. G.[/color]” [color=silver]Vincent smiled at their homeroom teacher, all charm as always, even if he was one of the last people to get there, arriving at about 7:30 [/color] “[color=0054a6]Hope you didn’t miss me too much over summer, ma’am.[/color]” [color=silver]Very much in-character, he spent his 5 remaining minutes of homeroom zoning out, and appreciating his seating- he got placed right between the twins, which was fun for him, probably not so fun for Maria, whom he was sure to annoy the whole year ‘round. Assembly wasn't much different- he closed his eyes, and would have gotten a few extra minutes of sleep had his damn half-sister not kicked him awake everytime he tried it. As assembly came to an end, Vincent yawned and stretched his arms, and was quick to leave as he was slow to arrive. First day back for his last year at Dellbrook…he might as well start if off with something to eat. He had about 7 minutes, which was planning on using to get to the Carnival and buy something off the food trucks there. And if he was ate for first period…that wouldn’t exactly be shocking for anyone. [/color]