[@HEAVY METAL] Made a nature check a while back to see if Kythor knew what chwingas were: [quote=@Lurking Krog] Yes he was. So you know that they are shy creatures that live in the ice, snow, plants, rivers, and rocks away from civilization. They are also really small, look a lot like dolls really, and have a fascination with humanoids for reasons not really known to you. Sometimes they will aide creatures they like or sometimes the bestow gifts. [/quote] Kythor talked a bit about chwingas in Good Mead too, but I guess he never actually described what exactly they looked like - he just called them "small forest spirits" apparently. Either way, he has a pretty good idea what chwingas look like. As for whether or not they're evil... In character, Kythor's pretty sure they're not evil, and are neutral at worst, presuming they're just trying to survive unseen.