[b]"Please, Iphie,"[/b] Tian-Gui laughed. [b]"Karaoke's not about how good your singing is. It's just about the hype!"[/b] Though between his own lung capacity, Jin-Sun's robot speakers, and Runa's mutant vocal cords, perhaps karaoke with the Final Five might be too much for a first time excursion after all. Oh well, there was always the New Years Party to drink copious amounts of alcohol in order to convince others that they're finally witnessing a drunk Tian-Gui. With Mason having sent the address to the rest of them and the time for their arrival set as well, Tian-Gui spent the rest of the day with his own preparations for the upcoming mission. Namely, downloading his super sentai backlog onto his phone and prepping enough meals to last him two weeks. Who knew how long they'd be in Russia for, after all. As the sun dipped into the horizon, the raven-haired man called up the others and took the scenic route down to DIHOW. The nightlife of Shanhu, replete with gondolas, personal flying devices, and drones, as well as the stream of more standard automobile lacing beneath or beside pedestrian bridges, created a dizzying display of lights that never quite got old for him. Sure, the air was about as bad as always, and the light pollution was terrible enough that the stars that one saw in Shanhu were a hoax that served as subliminal advertising for the megacorps, but the city of science and academia remained as lively as always. Perhaps even a bit livelier than usual; the Christmas fever was hitting, and Kyouko's new single was playing in more than just a few department stores. The newest member of the Final Five definitely looked to be getting places in terms of fame, wasn't she? By the time DIHOW came into view, Tian-Gui couldn't help but grin at the two-story high neon sign that featured a Kyouko Hiruma modelling for a youth fashion label. Certainly was going to be just a little awkward, eating while in clear view of your own ad, hm? Made one wonder how Iphie felt about coming across Courtlandt Group's social media. By the time the others had arrived and seating positions were figured out (Tian-Gui sat at the front end of the table to avoid taking up anyone else's elbow space) and the waitress came to take their order, the man already knew what he wanted. [b]"I'll take your salmon steak combo set with Meyer sauce, extra veggies. Side order of your chicken tenders as well, no sauce, and your strawberry black forest waffle tower for dessert."[/b] A slight pause; he drummed his fingers against the table as he thought of it. [b]"Oh, right, and is your collab with Perfect Gray Rainbow still on?"[/b]