America was not known for its great churches in the same way the Old World was. Church here usually meant a dilapidated white washed building with a single spire or perhaps the stadium come exploitation center of a mega churches garishness. Corvis Bay had an unusual number of impressive churches however. St Anthony's rose towards the sky in the towering gothic style, its vast steeple plated with polished bras that glinted in the moonlight like struck gold. Gargoyles coiled from its lofty arches and stained glass shone with inner light. The splendor of the arcitecture was somewhat offset by the utilitarian parking lot infront of it. Despite the lateness of the hour several cars were pulled up close to the building when Yuki pulled in, her bubblegum pink sports car anything but inconspicuous, the more so for the HK laying across the back seat and the omnipresent pop music pumping. [hider=Yuki's Car] [img][/img] [/hider]