[h3]Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth, [/h3][i]and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck[/i] [b]“Hmm.”[/b] Aureia seemed unimpressed with the sun god’s answer, but that he stopped moving to war against the mortal and her fellow gods protecting her was good enough for her. Nonetheless, she fixed him with a glare at his persisting threat. [b]“Tsk tsk. If you haven’t already noticed, you’re hardly in a position to dictate terms. Let’s settle this productively, okay?”[/b] It was obvious if they let him have his way, he was more liable to destroy the sources of any answers than to get them through violence. If it came down to it, she would physically intervene as well; while she might not have had the sheer force of will in a fight as Alasayana, or the warlike prowess and passion of the god of Love and War –Both aspects of Ashte that she was [i]intimately[/i] familiar with—she had her own tricks up her sleeve. Her attention drifted to the unconscious maiden, and then Alasayana, her interest in the god of the sun already at an end. [b]“Oh, Alasayana! Good to see you again. Mm, a pity, though. I was hoping that somebody would have an idea of this place. Suppose we’ll have to find out for ourselves, huh?”[/b] It seemed her attention was still on the young girl, together with Trineon, the god of rivers, lakes, and oceans. Apparently, he had quietly stepped in while everybody’s attention had been on the Sun God. As a god closely aligned with mortals and their development, she did not have a very high opinion of the god of water –too many times had the god interfered with her interests by sinking, destroying, or otherwise disrupting the great instruments of commerce of the mortals that prayed to her for protection with his aquatic whims. She let them tend to the girl, preferring to more closely inspect the room they were in. As she examined the strange inscriptions, noting their glow, it was because of that close affinity to humans that she was the first to notice the unmistakable signature of more mortals nearby. Above and beyond the waiting stairway, perhaps, and no doubt connected to the girl. Aureia was quick to announce her findings. [b]“Ah! I can sense more mortals… just above us. Hmm... Perhaps they will have suitable answers that pestering our poor sleeping maiden cannot provide. Please refrain from lavishing punishments upon her, mind, I for one appreciate being awoken rather than resting in slumber in perpetuity, you know.”[/b] It didn't hurt that she had a suspicion it would be far more profitable to work with tentatively friendly mortal summoners than to intimidate or threaten them. Especially given the clearly weakened state she and her fellow gods were in, from lack of followers after eons of slumber, no doubt.