[hr] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/HlN1zQ5OlMyKGiUJ3GIMX8V4HPpjfImGhiXCcPTqG7M/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/494317685505523714/863071770613776434/50f7f80e413d9e03ed0e473e03225b32.png?width=600&height=29[/img] [color=black][b]Brookside[/b][/color][/center] [hr] SSV watched from the shadows. In a strange bout of foolish courage, that villain with the spotlight reached out and grabbed her pellet right out of the air. His mistake. It would explode and incapacitate them both with toxic fumes. ... It would explode and incapacitate them both with toxic fumes! A surge of frustration shot up her spine as the bomb didn't go off. [color=black][b][i](Why not?!)[/i][/b][/color] Adding to her anger, the man immediately zeroed in on her again with his phone. How did he know?! She was being so sneaky! There's no way he should be able to find her in all the smoke and darkness of the ceiling. Even if his flashlight did brush over her, it would do just that- brush over her. Shadow Scythe Vengeance was a dark spot among darkness. [color=black][b]"Shut up, dumbass!"[/b][/color] SSV shouted down at him in response to his question. Completely disregarding his efforts to speak to him in a similar way that she had. [color=black][b]"If you don't want to get blown up, tell that girl to stop letting off fireworks in here!" [/b][/color] Shadow Scythe Vegeance ran left on the rafters, and then ran to the right, but the spotlight beam followed her fast movements perfectly. Now worry crept in, anticipating the moment gunfire would rip her to shreds. Or she would get blown up and break a leg from the impact. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. It never went like this before! These people weren't normal criminals! Was this some kind of trap? Penny began to make for her entrance point. Clearly she would have to re-evaluate her plan and attack again. If the police showed up, someone might get killed. How had this happened? Was her website flawed? Suddenly, darkness fell. Scythe considered this a lucky break! With that flashlight no longer on her, she could regroup and try again. Excitedly, she pulled on the chain connected her to the roof above and wrapped it around her arm. So she had her grapple back, and freedom of movement. Quickly moving along the rafters, she went to make her escape. A force pulled down on her, and Scythe gasped in surprise. An odd, distorted sound considering her voice changer. For a moment she was free falling, and then someone took the impact for her. Baffled, she was rolled onto her back and stared up at the man infront of her. From his perspective, the death mask stared up emotionlessly at him. Her eyes were hidden by the two retractable goggles. As soon as she got over her shock she went to fight her way free, looking to cut his hand with the scythe wrapped around her arm. But his words and inaction calmed her down. [color=black][b]"A trap? That's impossible. This target was sent to me by the people!"[/b][/color] She whispered harshly. [color=black][b]"From my website, Vengeance(dot)net, the crime fighting website anyone can contribute too. It's the democratization of justice, man! The future! Who are you, anyway? Let go of me, or face my wrath!"[/b][/color] Now Shadow did began to struggle in his grip. She kicked out at his leg, and then went to push herself out from under him with a kick and a roll. All she had to do was break free and throw out another smoke bomb to make her escape.