[b][center][h1]Josiah[/h1][/center][/b] Pesky coven of witches, that was something. He'd snuck into the couple's house, that had required help from divine breaker. They'd placed some enchantment on the front door, a few moments later his glowing right hand had helped him dispel that. Then he went snooping around the good thing about being the one who had the jump on them was not having to worry about surprise hex bags making something nasty happen to him. Still they were working with the witches across town who sought to break the seal. So he had to be alert and see what he could find. Not only that but he thought back to the conversation earlier, how he was assured that his mother was still alive. That they could liberate her from the demons or even take him to do it himself. Either option was fine with him, as long as the left his little sister out of it. As he crept alongside the corner of a wall he could hear the couple conversing about the actions of their friends across town & their desire to shatter a seal. "These are quite perilous times for the humans aren't they, the final days are among us. Well at least for them or rather their reign. Honestly I quite like this world, I just wish we could change some things so it was more like the old days where we were feared and in charge" The female witch spoke to her husband who locked lips with her and backed away to show her something in a book. "I do agree with you entirely Loraine, that's why I've always felt calling this spectacle we're putting together more of a new beginning, taking the planet back to it's rightful state, where humans are second class citizens who live in fear to the superior creatures who deserve rightful ownership of this realm." Loraine smirked "Oh your so right Gideon, but I suppose before any of that we should deal with the intruder. Can you believe this foolish hunter is trying to stop Don's plans?" The witch said and Josiah felt a shiver go down his spine knowing that that the two witches had identified him. He still didn't make himself known drawing his knife in one hand and a gun in the other, happy that he was ambidextrous. "Oh fine well I'll send someone to play with you." Loraine yelled out and a clone of her appeared in-front of Josiah. The clone then growled, starting to mutate. Josiah lunged forward slashing at the mutated clone with his blade, only for the clone to form claws blocking it. The clone then began taking on a humanoid wolf appearance and growled biting at Josiah who narrowly avoided getting his neck chomped off. The laughter of the two witches in the living room served to annoy Josiah who elbowed the wolf creature sending it crashing through the wall. This provided an opening for Gideon who used a blast of magical energy sending it surging into Josiah's chest causing him to yell in pain as he was blasted into the stair-case. "Well Well Well what do we have here look at his right arm honey, that's the divine breaker, you wouldn't happen to be here on business from some pesky angels on your shoulder would you" Gideon asked while Loraine cast a spell causing Josiah to be hoisted into the air and slammed against the wall behind the staircase, as gray energy swirled around Josiah. This caused cuts to appear on his left arm drawing blood which was absorbed into the grey energy then shot back into Loraine's palm who then absorbed it. "Now I've searched his memories, in-fact the angels warned him not to come here or he wouldn't be under their watchful eyes, which means." Loraine's voice trailed off. "He's a toy that we can play with to our liking." Gideon said with an evil look as Josiah drew his weapon only for Loraine to use telekinesis to fling his gun away. "Well heads up I use to break all my toys when I was a kid, so gun or no gun you won't find me a easy toy to play with." "Oh well we'll see what Wolfaine has to say about that, devour him my precious." Loraine said with a sinistr snarl as the wolf-clone growled and lunged towards the now disarmed Josiah.