Were it not for the Agent, Vreta expected there would already have been a confrontation between them and this pair of Humans, with the way they acted. As long as they were willing to help provide security on the way to their objective, though, he could tolerate them. He continued to carry 595 for a while as they started to move while Rhia directed the treatment of the poison within the Agent’s body. While not exactly an “optimized” treatment for this specific toxin, it was doing its job. Every decoy cell the nanites created made another target for the poison’s molecules. Each one used up a bit more of the dose the Agent had received. As they started to approach the upper levels, 595’s condition improved at least enough that she could walk on her own. Since the treatment was working, Rhia locked in the nanites’ programming so she could release direct control of them. As a precaution, set them to self-destruct once the treatment had ran its course, then disabled external networked communication for them as she released control. Once that was done, she let Vreta put the Agent down. Vreta let Connie, Gene, and 595 lead the way through the building, as they seemed perfectly eager to do. They seemed to organize themselves readily into their formation as they moved through the headquarters, without so much as a word to one another. Vreta might have put more focus on that, were it not for everything else transpiring around them. What he witnessed in the rooms was…bizarre, to say the least. There were survivors, but they were working away at their desks as if nothing was happening, entirely unresponsive to any stimuli from the outside world. Vreta tried briefly to get the first one to follow them, but there was nothing he could do to break them out of the apparent trance. He only wished that was the strangest thing he saw. Other rooms contained...scenes, for the lack of a better word. They might have been memories, from himself, his companions, and others in the building. He did not see much that was coherent at first, but he worried about what might manifest before them. The situation within Vreta’s mind was no better. It was hard for him to describe the strange pressure within his mind, but Rhia did not wait long in bringing it up herself. [i]There is something here, some…presence. Maybe the entity, maybe something else, but I feel like it’s trying to get in my head. It’s like I have a…headache, or something equally irrational.[/i]