[@POOHEAD189] "Perhaps now is not the time," the woman responded, her voice carrying a slightly lilt of an Irish accent. Barely flinches at the mention of the word time and casts a look back to the bar. The blue collar monster hunters are confused for now but there is little doubt that they will come boiling out into the alley at any moment. As if to punctuate the point, several shots rip through the door behind you. A scream from inside suggests at least one ricochet has taught these thugs a few things about firing into a metal surface at close range. [hider=Synopsis] From the way Barliman is looking at her he is just as scared of her as he was of the Ordo. She wants something he dosent want to give. It seems clear to you that the Ordo came in when something was going down between Barliman and the woman. She only wants to get away. She is going to keep her hold for now. If you want more info you could try to put a face to a name, but probably not a great idea to stand around in the street and get gunned down while doing so. [/hider]