"its regarding a man named Samuel Si Jo, He appeared after Sarena had, We don't have any info on him or how he bonded with Sarena he gives us a bad vibe. Do you have anything you can share about them?" He asked tilting his head {You can make it up XD I'll go with it} Samuel grunted as he caught her not allowing her to touch the floor and sighed gently "I told you I won't let you hit the floor" he muses gently picking her up and moved through the shadows finding her room and setting her gently down on the bed and looked at her. His red eyes could see every at vein in her body the temptation great but his loyalty too high. He sat down in a chair and would sit and wait for her to awaken once again. Vos shuffled into the back and looked around gently "Now where would a demon be?" she mutters looking around slowly.