Sheet up! Feel free to edit and have fun with it however you want, kept it basic! basic! basic! so there should be no problems. Looking forward to seeing ideas!! And what do you guys think, time for the IC tomorrow? [@malmshodes][@vancexentan][@Duthguy][@sassy1085][@sly13][@Aeolian] (Also look at this lovely group, I will shed a single tear and then close my black heart up once more.) [center] [img][/img] (Character Image) [h1][b][u]Formal Name-[/u][/b][/h1] [b][u][i]Informal or Preferred Name- Age- Birth Place- (If known or notable.) Birth Date- (If known, and only M/Y.) Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- Height & Weight- Notable Physical Attributes- (High strength? Great speed? The likes, and how they obtained it. Characters may have one born trait and gained two particular physical attributes, the more specific the higher the attribute can be, the gained slot(s) can also be sacrificed to buff the born trait or other gained ability. Think Gon's sense of smell, Hisoka's insane perception, etc) [hider=Nen] Discovery of Nen- Detail their first experience or how they came to learn of Nen. General Ability- Their overall skill and strong suits in Nen, as well as their known abilities(Ten, Ren, Gyo, Ken, ect). Hatsu- Their general skill with Hatsu, as well as details of the ability, if applicable. [/hider] Weapons or Equipment- (What does your character keep on their person?) Trained Skills or Knowledge- Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- Notable Personality Traits/Personality- (Choose to explain your character as deep as you want, or allow them to surface more in character. Past Affiliations or Experience- (Any reputable ties with groups, or past occupations. Given as their young these come more rarely, often times.) Notable Relations- (If applicable. Someone who they may want to protect, a teacher, close mother or father, significant other, ect.) General History- (Notable things of the past, and their general life growing up.) [/i][/u][/b] [/center]