[h3]Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth, [/h3][i]and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck[/i] [b]“Eh? Ah, well,”[/b] Aureia looked down at herself. She should have expected it, but she was caught off guard by the question from the goddess of love. An awfully leading question, at that. It was hard to deny that somehow her appearance had changed; she was smaller and shorter than she once was. Her clothes didn't help much with it, but at least when she groped her own chest, she did still have it, even if that too had gotten… smaller. It didn’t seem like there was anything she could do to change her appearance; at her prime, it was not a problem at all to redo her own likeliness on her own whims. Now, even spontaneously changing clothes seemed to be harder than it formerly was. Annoying, but it was still something she could work with. She’d eventually regain her power and do whatever she wanted; maybe she’d even choose to keep this form, who knows. Rallying, she smirked back, lightly bapping Ashte on the head with her parasol. It was still a rude question, after all. [b]“Eh, not really. It’s annoying, but there’s nothing wrong with being [i]cuter[/i], especially when I’m still beautiful. Who knows, perhaps I might receive even more worshippers this time around?” [/b] It didn’t seem like O’Menus was simmering down at all, though. That said, it was hard to get the sun god to simmer to begin with, with that inflated ego of his! She sort of understood why he was taking this poorly, but the fit he was throwing was really putting a damper on her reawakening. Really, if she had the supplies, Aureia would already be holding a rebirth celebration party right here, with the other gods and the mortals all invited. Maybe sans sun god. She was sorely tempted to use her parasol again and give him a good, much harder whack with it, before the mortals started banging on the stairwell doors. An interesting development. The mortals of ten thousand years past had a very strange dialect and manner of speaking, but she understood the voices well enough. There it was, the girl was clearly someone to be protected. Aureia did wonder what god she was a priestess of, though. Maybe the entire pantheon, considering the diversity of the sadly small segment of deities that had been reawakened. Aureia was content to remain as she stood and let the mortals come to them. It only seemed natural, a fitting away for the returned gods to receive mortals once more, except the sun god once again thought differently. [b] “This dummy…! He’s going to ruin it all, the mortals come to us, not the other way around!”[/b] She huffed, and moved after him. Having O’Menus as the mortals’ first interaction with the gods was going to bring nothing but trouble.