[@Ozzy Cross] [@Forsythe] [@Kumbaris] [@Searat] Shina took a final look at the group, this was going to be an interesting journey if nothing else, she thought! Taking the lead with Renn, she started a slow walk to the south. As the wagon started creaking back into motion, she was filled with a sense of excitement. It had been so long since she had been out on a mission with Guan and whilst she did love being at the workshop, it was more a task she did on behalf of her foster father. The sun was shining but there was a wind sweeping through the trees that gave her an edge. [hider=The forest] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.4f484aafdd7ee86d3e479462ef7760f7?rik=YY%2bWr47TJ6epOg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wallpaperup.com%2fuploads%2fwallpapers%2f2014%2f11%2f09%2f511448%2f4f484aafdd7ee86d3e479462ef7760f7.jpg&ehk=WLLYyhOelsvo7igyuA%2fNrfD6jN6BoUYMosOmToDX8eQ%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] [/hider] Shina took a map out of her satchel, she had a look at the direction that would lead them to the Inn. It wasn't very far at all, yet she was always cautious of bandit groups that tended to stick to the main roads, picking off unsuspecting travellers; of course, she thought they wouldn't touch this group, considering the amount of people and the way they looked! It was almost like a theatrical troupe! Lapoo flew in circles over Shina's head. She was certain her little friend was having a great time as well, the wind had picked up somewhat and it allowed Lapoo to get some height with minimal effort. She turned behind her to see the princess, still dressed in her maid outfit, what an odd sight! [color=green] 'So....princess, um, have you been on many journeys like this before? I must thank you again for joining us, we are not used to royals visiting our little town.' [/color]