[center][h2]The Journey Begins[/h2][/center] [center][h3]~ Unknown Mountains ~[/h3][/center] [center][i]Interacted with:[/i] [@Rune_Alchemist][/center] Nick gasped as he woke. He was panting as he stared at the white snow, yet his mind was elsewhere. He saw something when he was unconscious. Dreams? No, they seemed too... mystical to be dreams. Visions borne from his power? The likeliest reason. He saw a snow-covered village in the vision, but it wasn't Dawn. There was also that French maid dress, which Nick found quite out of place but then skeletons rose from the snow and came at him. What did it all mean? [quote]“Wah! You’re awake! Jeez, I thought you were a goner! You had a bit of hypothermia and you look like you had been walking forever! You northern folk are crazy! Anyways, carried ya down the mountain. Should be pretty safe here. Ya should probably eat something. Them scrawny arms of yours probably aren’t gonna help ya a lot if ya don’t.”[/quote] Nick looked all around him. He just saw snow, really, but it appeared he was indeed down from the mountain and on the other side it seemed. The warrior woman's shouting rang Nick's ears, but he didn't mind. It was like an angel screaming at him in concern. She then handed him a bowl of cooked bits of meat. Nick didn't care what it was and immediately dug in, savoring the feeling of simply having prepared food in his mouth. It hasn't even been a week into this world and Nick found himself already down in the dumps and barely surviving. He couldn't wait to get back home. [quote]“So what’s your name anyways? And why ya traveling them mountains? Don’t suppose you’re from that village I’m supposed to be looking for, do ya?”[/quote] Nick swallowed the food in his mouth before answering. "[color=skyblue]Uh, my name's Nick. Nicholas Gallagher, but just call me Nick for short.[/color]" He answered the first question. "[color=skyblue]I was looking for the people who live in the mountains. Got something I have to ask them about.[/color]" Nick showed off his black, diamond-shaped artifact to the warrior woman without hesitation. "[color=skyblue]I heard they might know a lot about it.[/color]" She then asked about a village she was looking for. "[color=skyblue]Well, I did come from a village. A fishing village called 'Dawn'. It's a nice little town and it has a god, an Elder Beast, sorta friendly with them. A deer deity named Kyrnith.[/color]" Nick replied earnestly. Nothing but the best for his savior. "[color=skyblue]There's trouble afoot there, though. But... it's got people already on it. Capable people, I would think.[/color]" "[color=skyblue]Then there's this village that had a... skeleton problem.[/color]" Nick decided to also reveal his vision. Albeit, in digestible terms. "[color=skyblue]I... only caught a brief glance at the place before I... ran off. Not exactly sure where it is, either.[/color]" "[color=skyblue]A-Anyway, you have my deepest gratitude for saving me, Miss--[/color]" He indirectly asked for the warrior woman's name. "[color=skyblue]If there's anything I can do in return, let me know. If you'd like, I can help you look for this village.[/color]"