An orb desired by the Illuminator? How coincidental, she had just spoken to him. Without knowing anything else about the situation, Nobunaga's immediate conclusion was an obvious one: Lazhira was absolutely correct in her judgement. Giving the reckless god anything he desired would only allow him greater hold on this place. As such, rejection of such a bargain wholeheartedly was the only way forward. She would not permit anything to interfere with her plan. Brushing her gleaming black hair back with one hand, her response was an obvious one, at least to her. "Well, we cannot allow him to have it, then," Nobunaga asserted. If he desired it, obtaining it would not mean anything good. Therefore it was only reasonable not to permit anything of the sort. However, the matter of the meeting with the Kyrinth was by far the most important one at the moment. "But that discussion can wait until later. For the moment, we have business to attend to, do we not? [@Crimson Paladin][@Rune_Alchemist]