Sabine had to bite on her lower lip to keep herself from crying out in despair. With Meesei's hand holding her, she was at least brought out of her frantic reaction slowly, but still fell apart devastated. She held onto Meesei with her forehead brought up to meet her snout. She sobbed, trying and failing to be strong. "I wanted to..." She had to pause to even remain intelligible. "I wanted to live that life with you there." They all did. Everyone in the pack. Everyone betrayed their desire in their faces though they did not say it. Everyone except Fendros. Fendros took on a stony visage not unlike his father had at the best of times. He slid the Ring of Hircine onto his finger without a flinch. He hefted up the Rueful Axe in turn. After a respectful while, Fendros put a hand on Sabine's shoulder and looked through the bars, straight at Meesei's eyes. "You will still be the champion in our eyes, Meesei. I'll see you again -- home or on the Hunting Grounds."