[center][img]https://pa1.narvii.com/6720/7cded7720e4f622ef2fd58fd85cfa131f789cb08_hq.gif[/img] [color=purple][h1][b][s]Hunter[color=teal]X[/color]Hunter[/s][/b][/h1][/color] [color=orange][h1][u][i][b]Heavens Children[/b][/i][/u][/h1][/color][/center] [center] When a group of young aspiring Hunters with seemingly nothing to do with one another all receives a mysterious letter containing the following, what is to come next for those involved? [b]Dear young Hunter, at the moment our name's are irrelevant, but know this much, from idle chatter, rumors, or my own personal information gathering, I have found that you are in my or my colleague's eyes, an individual with talent enough to become a powerful or reliable ally in the times to come. I have a proposition to those who would enjoy an endeavor such as the one I have dedicated my existence to. Beware that this proposition is one of a dangerous sort, and not all will make it out with their lives. The great few that have the gift to rise to any occasion before them and shatter limits on a basis that exceeds that of any normal individual. This is the caliber of people I am searching for, and if you do not believe that this is you, burn this letter and turn away from the life you're leading towards. Only the strong survive, and prey have no place in this line of work. For those who I have correctly sent this letter to, the predators who are seeking a place, please look at the information enclosed below. Within are details on reaching me in a tavern within a town known as Buru, on the Essian continent. [/b] [b][i][u]Regards, The White Tiger. [/u][/i][/b] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.fefd00304cf46e30d19c152d734bb48a?rik=82iMyklPUpUvaw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fi.imgur.com%2fF7LACf4.png&ehk=0Kip%2f4%2fNCX1VYKw3CBq%2b%2fc4oyHS2sgP4EAIRxb%2bXrik%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Hello everyone! Welcome to this wonderful and dangerous land of beast and Hunter! This will follow a group of young prodigious Hunters, all of which are to have some kind of mentor or figure that has inspired them and shown them the ropes of what is is to be in the realm of a Hunter. This group will follow mostly darker tones and stories that reflect that, lots of adventure and combat! Perhaps some mystery and fun twists too. I'm going to do my best to actually incorporate and flex my writing ability a bit for the first time in a while, at least for story sake. Please feel free to ask questions, and I am currently looking for a co-gm! Another note, the group will have a hierarchy of sorts, shown from highest to lowest below here. I am looking for players to fill these roles. [hider=Heavenly Princes] The leadership of the group, consisting of two figureheads who give orders and lead the group forward. Prince Tencho-[@ZxyxZemon] Prince ?- Open [/hider] [hider=Celestial Beasts] The strike squad and right hands of the Heavenly Princes, they are expected to be able to operate better than others under pressure and pick up any slack brought by junior members. As well as have enough competency in combat as to not have to be thought of as a risk factor. Though they serve in mostly combat roles, they will often times also be used for the function of information gathering. The last primary function of the Celestial Beasts is to urge the growth of junior ranking members, helping them develop their abilities in whatever roles they best are suited for. Ronin, The White Tiger-[@ZxyxZemon] Lyle, The Green Dragon-[@vancexentan] ?, The Red Raven- Open ?, The Golden Hydra- Open ?, The Black Tortoise- Open [/hider] [hider=Heavenly Disciples] The primary body of the Heaven's Children, they serve all functions and embody the voice of the group. Members here have the ability to be moved up to the rank of Celestial Beast, and often times may fight for the ability to replace a standing member. [/hider] [hider= CS] [center] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.c8e596b30ac6f99e87f25c951343861d?rik=1p71VOQipmHgtQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] (Character Image) [h1][b][u]Formal Name-[/u][/b][/h1] [b][u][i]Informal or Preferred Name- Age- Birth Place- (If known or notable.) Birth Date- (If known, and only M/Y.) Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- Height & Weight- Notable Physical Attributes- (High strength? Great speed? The likes, and how they obtained it. Characters may have one born trait and gained two particular physical attributes, the more specific the higher the attribute can be, the gained slot(s) can also be sacrificed to buff the born trait or other gained ability. Think Gon's sense of smell, Hisoka's insane perception, etc) [hider=Nen] Discovery of Nen- Detail their first experience or how they came to learn of Nen. Nen Type- General Ability- Their overall skill and strong suits in Nen, as well as their known abilities(Ten, Ren, Gyo, Ken, ect). Hatsu- Their general skill with Hatsu, as well as details of the ability, if applicable. [/hider] Weapons or Equipment- (What does your character keep on their person?) Trained Skills or Knowledge- Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- Notable Personality Traits/Personality- (Choose to explain your character as deep as you want, or allow them to surface more in character. Past Affiliations or Experience- (Any reputable ties with groups, or past occupations. Given as their young these come more rarely, often times.) Notable Relations- (If applicable. Someone who they may want to protect, a teacher, close mother or father, significant other, ect.) General History- (Notable things of the past, and their general life growing up.) Theme Song- [/i][/u][/b] [/center] [/hider] [/center]