Saber was annoyed as he followed behind greninja. Why did he have to go with another? He was strong. And this other one who was commanding him to do things was annoying! The telepath was only doing it cause he knows he's strong. But I'll become stronger just you watch!! As Saber mentally seethed Echo nodded at the metagrosses command and followed along. He was curious about what was going on with this challenge but thats as far as his interest went. Then again, this would probably end up being fun just like everthing else Aster makes them do, so he wouldn't complain just yet. Making a clicking sound, Echo looked for anything ahead of them using echolocation. And Chomps ... Chomps had sat there confused. Friend Sabar was given instructions. Friend Echo too! Even someone named noogie was given instruction! But Chomps wasn't told anything! Maybe the metal one didn't see Chomps, since Chomps is so short? The Metal one smelled funny. The blue one surprisingly didn't smell like anything! I like the treats master gives. They smell like berries. Oh wait that's just the smell of berries. Soon the Swinub had begun to wonder through the bushes, following the smell of berries.