Dean smiled, glad that she agreed to everything, considering it was the center of a hunt. Things could go really badly for the people, here. But things would go even worse if they were involved and ended up killed on such a hunt. When she kissed his hand, he nodded, sitting up as she entered the bathroom. He stepped over to their bags, and threw a few of his things into his own duffel, before packing up some of the weapons he had spread throughout the room, just in case. It wasn’t long after he zipped his duffel shut that Mika came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. He couldn’t help his eyes scanning her body as he tossed both his zipped bags in an empty chair and walked over to her. As she spoke her thoughts out loud, he couldn’t help furrow his eyebrows, thinking about telling Bobby about not only the skin walker situation that now as falling into the poor man’s lap, but also the fact that he wanted to take Mika with him, when he left. It wasn’t a conversation that was necessarily going to go well, and would either end in Bobby hating him for the rest of his life, and locking Mika up like a princess in a tower, or it would end in Dean having a solid partner that wasn’t his dad. “Of course I want you to go. I don’t see why you couldn’t, unless Bobby handcuffs you in the attic or something.”, he let a small smirk tug at his lips, before shaking his head, “But I won’t leave unless you come with me, not now. I would just be paranoid and want to get back to you every second of every day. That sort of distraction would probably hinder a few things, don’t ya think?” He chuckled, stepping in front of her. He knelt to his knees, just in front of her own and placed his hands on her thighs, looking up at her eyes, “The question is: do you want to go with me?”