[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 6: 13/60 Location: The Maw: The Depths Word Count: >750 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 14/60 [/center] Everything was actually coming together! Mirage rescued Nadia, and Bowser did some crazy hammer stunt that sent Moreau reeling. People were being ferried across by Blazermate, or just jumping across the gap. As athletic as her body would become in just even five years, as a normal four year old she was not a good enough jumper to make the leap. Sakura fired her darts across the way and narrowed the jump significantly, making it more a big step. She fired them at each other, connecting them to form a beam. Moreau began to fire a volley of acid, which caused Sakura to shriek. [color=f49ac2]"Look out!" [/color] She exclaimed, heading across the bridge first. [color=f49ac2][i]"ITAI!"[/i] [/color]She shouted loudly, angrily, as the acid burned into her skin in a few places. Fortunately she didn't get it too bad, but several large holes were put into her dress. To be honest, her injuries would probably be debilitating soon enough, but with Blazermate there she knew she would be all right once they had a chance to breath. Fortunately the mental strength to keep pushing herself while in pain hadn't faded, so Sakura didn't collapse nor panic. Well, she did panic a little bit as she saw several of her teammates get hit by the acid. Stumbling into the elevator, she held the dart gun high over her head. Secretly, she wondered if Blazermate's healing beam would fix her clothing, too. Normally she wouldn't really care about that kind of thing. Girly girl stuff like that wasn't really her thing very often, and she usually only wore workout gear, with a school uniform or something else ontop of it. But this dress was kind of like a gift from her mother, so she realised she had already developed a sentimental attachment to it. But that was a stupid thing to worry about when Mirage was getting his legs eaten off by acid. [color=f49ac2]"Did everyone make it?!"[/color] She exclaimed, ready for someone to press that stupid elevator button and get the heck out. Sakura lacked the strength and agility to do anything except try not to be a liability, and use Mirage's Dart Gun. [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 3: 18/30 Word Count: 500 Location: Al Mamoon Northeast- Rocket Inc Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 19/30[/center] Mordecai was too fast. She should have used her bullets. Clearly she had gotten used to the humanoid enemies back at the Bureau. In her world, only fellow telekinetics, ones who could fly, were capable of dodging her attacks once locked on. For her trouble her face was almost gouged out by a bird. The sniper bullet pinged off her head, causing it to jerk backwards, Jesse stumbling back a step. [i]"Aagh!"[/i] Jesse complained, blinking away stars. Fortunately, she managed to take out the bird. That was good. Jesse switched her Tool Gun into her off hand, and produced the Service Weapon from thin air. Sniper rifles weren't exactly known for their nimbleness. All she needed was one second to get out of his crosshairs. Thus, Jesse sprinted briefly to the side, in a lunging dodge, dropping to a crouch. Lining up her iron sights on the solitary target, she simply gunned him down. The gun and the pieces that made it up rocked back with each shot. rising to her feet Jesse glared, stalking towards the sniper with each shot. She let up once he stopped moving. Standing over him, blue crystals filled her Health back up somewhat. Not a full bar, but good enough for now. Jesse observed Ciella's special move in the distance. A large attack that only hit the ground. That ice wall was quite far away. Could she make it? Not with her current mobility. At least, not without risk of being interrupted. And she would have to leave these two and a half downed fighters behind to do it. Ultimately, their mission was to take people in alive. In order to succeed, the FBC Director put her trusty Tool Gun to good use once again. Disapparating her Service Weapon into the Astral Plane, she switched the Tool Gun into balloon mode. Black balloons would be attached to Orendi, Bloodwing, and Mordecai. Orendi and Mordecai would probably wake up with kinks in their neck and arms, as she didn't exactly have enough time to allocate her ballon onto their limbs and head. Still longing for the days in which she possessed the power of flight, the Director pointed the gun at her left hand, the one she didn't use for shooting. The balloon pulled her off the ground. She fired one at her center of mass for a little extra kick. Now she was floating above the battlefield. Awkwardly holstering her Tool Gun, she produced the Service Weapon and tried picking out some valid targets. Any baddie that looked like they might be running for cover would be shot at by the Director. Hopefully this big attack didn't last very long, because Jesse was extremely vulnerable in her ballooned up state. Maybe she could reposition herself by pulling and launching the balloons around, which she would try to do if someone lined up a big attack on her. But other than that, not much she could do if the floor stayed damaging for long.