[center][h3][color=green]Juan[/color][/h3][/center] Location: Los Angeles - Train Station [hr] Marie kept Juan close as a gang of men, members of Purity, beat an African-American woman who they claimed was one of the Enhanced. Though the language they used was more colorful and much more derogatory. They used batons hitting her in the head, back, chest and legs till she collapsed in a pile. Juan hid behind Marie pressing his head against her back as they moved. He did not like the violence. Every minority was being abused in some form by these people. He knew how he was treated by people and this was worse. They managed to queue for the express to San Francisco. Security was tight Marines were on the platforms in fatigues with weapons. They did nothing to help the woman or others harassed beyond the check point. This made Marie mad and Juan a bit nervous. After they made it through the check point Marie, started chewing out a Hispanic Sargent for not doing anything in Spanish. There was a lot of finger pointing and hair flipping. The Sarge looked at her and said calmly, “Speak English and yes we are doing something.” He sighed then continued, “People that complied are being protected, including you and brother.”