[center][img]https://i0.wp.com/universalmonstersuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/monsters-unleashed-197928-1.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Whisper Falls][img]https://media.architecturaldigest.com/photos/57fbd73c06d6622c7c27fc45/2:1/w_2300,h_1150,c_limit/small-towns-05.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][i] In The quiet town of Whisper Falls,Colorado begins a mystery of missing hikers and vacationers, until bodies are discovered in the surrounding wooded forest. Some bodies are drained of blood with two small puncture marks in the neck, while other bodies have been savagely torn apart. Locals claim there are Monsters in the forest that surrounds the town, legendary monsters that have been seen or photographed. Reports of Bigfoot activity, Rakes, Wendigo, and other cryptid creatures. Even reports of the dead crawling out of their graves, and attacking people in the streets. Then one night ,witnesses reported seeing meteorites falling from the sky, but the strange thing about them, was that ,every falling star was hitting the same spot...... the outskirts of town. Heroes and Heroines from movies,comics,anime, books,etc were alive and standing on the outskirts of the town, Whsiper Falls. Ash from Evil Dead, Buffy Summers, Willow, Sam & Dean Winchester, Van Helsing, Blade, Karl Kolchak, Vampire Hunter D, etc.. They were all here for one purpose, to kick some monster ass! [/i] [/center] [b]CS Name: Gender: Where are you from: Skills/Talents: Weapons: Looks:[/b]