[hider= Provoke Woogong] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RrTCOIW.jpg[/img] [h1][b][u]Formal Name- Provoke Woogong[/u][/b][/h1] [u][i][b]Informal or Preferred Name-[/b][/i][/u] Provoke. [i][u][b]Age-[/b][/u][/i] 15 [i][u][b]Birth Place-[/b][/u][/i] Meteor City [u][i][b]Birth Date-[/b][/i][/u] 03/26 [u][i][b]Gender Or Preferred Pronoun-[/b][/i][/u] Male, He. [u][i][b]Height & Weight-[/b][/i][/u] 5'6" & 130lbs. [u][i][b]Notable Physical Attributes-[/b][/i][/u] Provoke was born with an unnaturally massive reservoir of aura. So much in fact that at birth his aura nodes seemed open, despite being closed. The sheer amount of aura Provoke commands amplifies his Nen abilities and skills several levels above his apparent experience. According to his mother, a 3 Star Hunter herself, if honed efficiently he could become a monster greater than the top 5 Nen-Users one day. Besides this trait, only one other stands out. Provoke has a preternatural danger-sense. When great harm is aimed towards him, he can feel said danger through no rational means. Like his aura, this manifested itself even before had awakened as a Nen-User. [hider=Nen] [u][i][b]Discovery of Nen-[/b][/i][/u] Provoke first encountered Nen through his mother’s impromptu adventures. After prodding her for information she reluctantly decided to teach him. She knew from being around him that he had an incredible amount of innate aura but would learn later that his grasp on Ten would prove just as natural. [u][i][b]Nen Type-[/b][/i][/u] Emission [u][i][b]General Ability-[/b][/i][/u] Due to the whimsical nature of his mother, after teaching him the Four Major Principles, Provoke was left to his own devices. He excelled at Ten and Zetsu to such a degree that his mother actually praised him. He is capable of Ren but his mother had warned him against releasing all his aura at once. Considering the amount, she admitted that even her judgment could mistake the outcome of said attack. He knows nothing of the Advanced Techniques. [u][i][b]Hatsu-[/b][/i][/u] "Ready, Aim, FIRE!" is at current the only form of Hatsu available to Provoke. Essentially, Provoke gathers his aura at the tip of his left index finger and fires a mass of aura at his opponent. Its simple and yet incredibly strong due to the aura backing it up and his self-imposed restriction of saying "Ready, Aim, Fire." before releasing the attack. It takes on a bluish color when being fired. [/hider] [u][i][b]Weapons or Equipment-[/b][/i][/u] None [u][i][b]Trained Skills or Knowledge-[/b][/i][/u] Provoke is a brawler/street fighter due to the 'Do-or-Die' climate of Meteor City. The sprawling junk heaps has no shortage of vagabonds, desperados, and gang lords. In order to survive, he had to learn to defend himself. Outside of that, he learned a few things of the world from his mother's extensive book collections. Most of which were lost tomes, some were rare philosophical novels, others were concise language learning books. This resulted in him learning a few languages himself. [u][i][b]Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits-[/b][/i][/u] Like his mother, Provoke sports ashen hair and silver eyes. He has a stab wound on his lower abdomen and various minor scars on his arms and legs. [u][i][b]Notable Personality Traits/Personality-[/b][/i][/u] Typically soft spoken and detached, Provoke can seem dispassionate, lazy, and apathetic. But the truth is he simply prefers to not waste his time on things he view as pointless. Life is too short to waste on the meaningless. He can be impulsive at times, hoping to solve his issues as quickly as they arises though that often backfires. Oddly enough, despite his hushed-tone Provoke is actually temperamental. Insults are rarely taken lightly and unless you're a close friend, tossing one out will result in a brawl. On the flipside, he's never been one to hold grudges, so maybe an apology could save someone the bloodied face. To summarize Provoke is crude, egotistical, hotheaded, and even hawkish but his heart is solid, good, and his curiosity boundless. [u][i][b]Past Affiliations or Experience-[/b][/i][/u] Meteor City Heaven's Arena Kakin Empire [u][i][b]Notable Relations-[/b][/i][/u] Restoria Woogong (Mother/Nen Master) Falcon Xi (Mentor/Big Brother figure) [u][i][b]General History-[/b][/i][/u] Growing up in Meteor City was harsh, even with a loving father looking out for Provoke. Between scavenging for survival, fighting off thieves, and having a prepubescent existential crisis he didn't have much room for actually living. Even still, he held tightly to precious moments with his father. Nights filled with whispered jokes and stories of his enigmatic mother were fanciful treasures back then. On the night of his father's death, Provoke finally met this woman of strange charisma and unnatural strength. When he thinks back to that night, it’s fuzzy and shrouded in mystery. But he holds no animosity towards the woman and so hangs on to her every word. Apparently his father had died of heat stroke on that particularly hot day. The two left Meteor City soon afterwards and was suppose to be heading straight to Heaven's Arena, however, because of his mother they got sidetracked several times. They visited lost valleys, helped guide people through ancient crypts, saved people trapped at oceanic depths going up against fierce creatures, and visited Kakin as important dignitaries for three months. Apparently she had connections there. Two years later they finally made it to Heaven's Arena. During those two years he he begun to understand just how amazing his mother was. A 3-Star Hunter, winner of [i]the[/i] Battle Olympia, a person respected and capable even among those respected and capable. And yet... to him, she still felt like more of a close friend than a mother. She was across a great distance even right next to him. She was a Hunter. A seeker of new and greater summits. Almost two years later, Provoke received a notice for Restoria that seemed important. He tried to dial his mother but couldn't get through. He had honed his skills in Heaven’s Arena previously, so Provoke felt confident in his abilities to find her. He thought it would be difficult but not impossible. Three months of grueling search eventually led him to a dead end. On his way back home, he bumped into a roguish, suit wearing man named Falcon Xi, a 2-Star Hunter and his mother's only pupil. The friendly man was sent to check up on him in her stead and seemingly predicted his every move during his three month trek. The two had a comfortable talk and when Provoke brought up his inability to settle on a Hatsu, Falcon offered him only this bit of advice, "Simplicity is best, unless you're good with complicated. You're an emitter, Provoke, with a ridiculous amount of aura. You’ve got it easier than most." Later, Falcon mentioned that Restoria liked for him to filter people to her. Simple things she would let him handle, tough or urgent works was suppose to be directed to her. Apparently, Provoke was considered simple. Satisfied, Falcon Xi left the same day and when Provoke returned to Heaven's Arena, another letter was waiting. Only this one was addressed to him. [u][i][b]Theme Song-[/b][/i][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p94baj29cw]Dreamin' On[/url] [/center] [/hider] [hider= Kagayaku] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k4zngxM.gif[/img] [h1][b][u]Kagayaku Seige[/u][/b][/h1] [b][u][i]Informal or Preferred Name[/i][/u][/b] Suzaku [i][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/i] 19 [u][i][b]Birth Place[/b][/i][/u] Jappon [u][i][b]Birth Date [/b][/i][/u] 06/28 [u][i][b]Gender Or Preferred Pronoun[/b][/i][/u] Male. He. [u][i][b]Height & Weight[/b][/i][/u] 5'10", 159lbs [u][i][b]Notable Physical Attributes[/b][/i][/u] [b]Unique Physiology.[/b] A biological gift passed down from several generations of his forgotten family. Kagayaku possesses a superior physicality. One that speaks of a monstrous obsession. Kagayaku was born with highly flexible and densely packed muscles. This is also accompanied by a special hormone introduced into the spine that accelerates the processing of sensory information. After a time if he focused hard enough he could perceive the world and others with true clarity. He could see the muscle moving beneath the skin, discern an action from the minute movements of the body. Effectively, he was a superhuman in most regards. [hider=Nen] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Rnsv7Fw.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Kagayaku's rage bolstering his aura.[/i][/b] [u][i][b]Discovery of Nen[/b][/i][/u] Kagayaku was unceremoniously Initiated through combat by his soon to be 2nd Nen Teacher. Believed to be a Demon Child by seaside villages, Hunters were hired to investigate the skeptical tales by Jappon officials. The Hunters soon encountered the wild child surviving deep in the forest of the mountainside. Bound to his ancestral land by a Nen Curse. When the Hunters arrived, Kagayaku was quick to assault them. Whether it was intentional or forced was never clarified but it was a nen-infused punch to the gut that ended their battle. Consequently, the attack opened his aura nodes and loosened his Nen Curse. [u][i][b]Enhancer[/b][/i][/u] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Bn0mFuO.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Kagayaku using Ken against his Master.[/i][/b] [u][i][b]General Ability[/b][/i][/u] Kagayaku shows an earnest simplicity in his utilization of Nen. He instinctively took to Ten and Ren near the beginning of his training with his Nen Master. After intuitively re-creating a lost Martial Art known as Rekai Shiki; his primary mode of focus became slow repetitive forms of said Martial Art. Later, advance exercises to strengthen his aptitude in Emission-type Nen was soon added to his regime. In practicing those grueling sets he polished his basics at an accelerated rate. He wound up learning Ko, Ken, and Ryu mid-combat and mastered them soon afterwards. It soon became apparent that his talent and potential would surpass his Masters sooner than expected. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sf74p0w.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Kagayaku using Ruling Chaos.[/i][/b] [u][i][b]Hatsu [/b][/i][/u] [b]Ruling Chaos.[/b] The foundation of his Hatsu is his Rekai Shiki martial art. A bare-fisted, close-quarters combat style, Rekai Shiki utilizes the knuckles, fist, elbows, and feet to deliver explosive damage to vital points. Enhanced by his aura and application of Ken and Ryu, his strikes have power far exceeding seasoned Hunters. With his Emission skills tacked on, Kagayaku is capable of sending the force of his strikes through the air in straight lines. These attacks are restricted from exceeding 30ft from his point of impact and their destination must be pinpointed. This effectively gave him a sustainable method of mid-long range combat as well. [list][*][b][i]Impact Echo.[/i][/b] His signature attack. Amplified by the condition of physical contact, Impact Echo is a powerful physical strike followed by an impact of aura 2 times stronger than the original.[/list] [Hider=Specialization] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8AFr6aW.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Rengoku cruelly toying with his opponent.[/i][/b] [b]Ancestral Parasite - Rengoku.[/b] A parasitic type Nen Curse developed by the legendary Nen User, Rengoku over 400 years ago. Strengthen and bound by a deep resolve and extenuating conditions, this ability carries his spirit over to suitable descendants through a network of aura and genetics. In reality Rengoku slaughtered his entire clan, all but his youngest sister, and offered her sanctity up to experience spiritual immortality. Under the condition of shaving 10 years off his host's life, Rengoku can manifest himself whenever possible. When manifested ancient scars are carved into Kagayaku's flesh. [list][*][i][b]Ancestral Hatsu & Aura.[/b][/i] 400 years ago was an era of constant strife and war. Individuals who could utilize aura was known as Nen Warriors. Rengoku in particular was famed for his Hatsu: [i]Hollow Garden[/i]. A specialization-type technique that activates along with his 30m En. Within that domain, Rengoku's aura is amplified and his attacks are drawn or attracted to his opponent(s). Due to being a parasite to Kagayaku, his Hollow Garden utilizes Ruling Chaos as its primary form of combat. Rengoku's aura has been describe as being particularly malevolent and frenzied.[/list] [/hider][/hider] [u][i][b]Weapons or Equipment[/b][/i][/u] None. [u][i][b]Trained Skills or Knowledge[/b][/i][/u] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X6rdzuL.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Kagayaku's 2nd Nen Teacher fighting.[/i][/b] [i][b]Rekai Shiki.[/b][/i] A martial form devoted to mastering the human form and combative potentials. Though lost at one point, Kagayaku managed to put the original martial art back together. Originally the concept came onto Kagayaku while applying his sight to combat practice with his 1st Nen Master. Noticing the precision of the strikes, his 2nd Master eventually went on to rebuild the Rekai Shiki martial form while using Kagayaku's direct freeform strikes. Rekai Shiki is grounded in an exaggerated understanding of a old flowing reactive style called: Receptive Heart Style, Rekai Shiki goes on to apply aggressive strikes towards shatter points while allowing a great deal of variation from one style to the other. What makes a marital form Rekai Shiki is the inhuman precision and intensity of one's strike aimed at the aura nodes of the body. [u][i][b]Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits[/b][/i][/u] Kagayaku's face bears two symmetrical cuts beneath his eyes. How he obtained them is unknown. Outside of this his eyes are typical a light brown but occasionally they seem to lose all color. He appears scrawny but his body is a finely carved sculpture of honed muscle. [u][i][b]Notable Personality Traits/Personality[/b][/i][/u] Kagayaku is a stoic person riddled with guilt but following a strong sense of justice. He strays from human contact, afraid that his "Nen Curse" might harm someone while actively seeking out conflicts to resolve. In search of redemption perhaps or a cure to his affliction, he throws himself into danger time after time. This reckless behavior has persisted, often time having him blindly rushing to save another's life. [u][i][b]Past Affiliations or Experience[/b][/i][/u] [i][b]Lewis & Co[/b][/i] - Occupational Woodsman [i][b]Iron Blooded Orphanage[/b][/i] - Temporary Cook [i][b]Dark Woods Clinic [/b][/i]- Temporary Nurse [u][i][b]Notable Relations[/b][/i][/u] [i][b]Orgus Seige[/b][/i] - Adopted Father & 1st Nen Master [i][b]Greta Hollywood[/b][/i] - Adopted Mother [i][b]Rok Seige[/b][/i] - 2nd Nen Master [i][b]Bud Midnight[/b][/i] - Adopted Younger Brother & Nen Peer [i][b]Petal Midnight[/b][/i] - Adopted Youngest Sister & Nen Peer [i][b]Wave Orrest[/b][/i] - Adopted Older Brother [i][b]Sindaraya Orrest[/b][/i] - Adopted Younger Sister & Nen Peer [i][b]Beecha Orrest[/b][/i] - Adopted Youngest Brother [u][i][b]General History[/b][/i][/u] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f3YXVrI.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Orgus demonstrating his mastery over Nen.[/i][/b] If one was to ask Kagayaku, his story begun the day he met Orgus Seige. Many had believed him feral but Kagayaku was not devoid of knowledge. He had known that eventually warriors would set out to kill him for following a urge he never quite understood. The urge came upon him the summer his mother went fatally ill, living him their ancestral home to tend to. For a time he did that without question, laboring to keep the deterioration from completely bringing the place to ruin. But when a man from the nearby village had strayed too close, he awoke with his knuckles bloody and a trail of crimson leading away from the home. After the confusion turned to fear and fear turned into loneliness, what was happening became obvious. He was madly attacking anyone who drew too close. Why he was doing that would be hidden until Orgus and Rok appeared one wintery night. Kagayaku remembered seeing them that morning, just beyond the estate's border. He even remembered waving to the enigmatic Orgus and thinking that he had a kind air about him. Later that night however, he would be awakened by a gut-crushing punch and to Rok standing over him. They had been 60m outside his ancestral home, amidst a field of disturbed snow and broken timber. Orgus held kindness in his black eyes as he offered Kagayaku an explanation that seemed unbelievable. A Nen Parasite or a "Soul" was attached to him, guiding his actions during his black outs. Orgus went on about teaching him Nen, adopting him too, and even if the Nen Parasite was in fact a Nen Curse. He spoke absently about how Kagayaku's soon-to-be family was handful but that it was a "helluva family to be apart of." That was perhaps one of the last times, Kagayaku had shed tears. At the age of 17, donning rags with long unkempt hair, Kagayaku was adopted into the Seige family. [hider=Continuation] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zXdZ3oz.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Rok Seige assisting Orgus in training Kagayaku[/i][/b] After Kagayaku adjusted to the family back in Begerose, Orgus wasted little time in having him join Bud, Petal, and Sindaraya in Nen training. Bud and Petal who ecstatically gave him tips were the ones who pointed out his insane growth rate. Sindaraya on the other hand begun to loath the attention, Orgus was paying to him. A month into training and it was Rok who pointed out the specifics of his Nen Curse and discovered the "Soul" latched on to him. That discovery was followed by a sharp decline in the speed of his training. Orgus withdrew for a time and it was Rok who took up the torch in training him. Rok's methods were unorthodox, they would go into the wilderness and practice advanced techniques like Ken, Gyo, Ryu, and Ko, only to activate Zetsu the instant he was to make contact with his target. That took him three months to master fully and in that time, Rok had grown fond of Kagayaku. When they returned Orgus had two sets of luggage packed at the gates of the Iron Blooded Orphanage, his own and Kagayaku's. The two of them were headed off on a separate training trip. Once they made it back Jappon, Orgus had Kagayaku face his past. Though the villagers weren't ready to forgive him, the kindness of an elderly lady redeemed him partly. After staying in the village for a month, finding work at Lewis & Co, and searching for people to help sporadically, Orgus started taking Kagayaku back up to his ancestral home. The trek went slow at first, anxious and fearful, Kagayaku had to take breaks to control his panic attacks. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/baKpIAZ.gif[/img][/center][b][i]Rengoku meeting Orgus for the first time.[/i][/b] Returned to his make-shift prison, Orgus and Kagayaku preceded to spar till the sun went down. It was during these daily sessions that Kagayaku learned that Orgus had been more-or-less crippled when it came to Nen. He could put up a fight but fluidly transitioning from one technique to the other was beyond him. In fact, it was nigh-impossible. Which was why, during their intense sessions, Kagayaku was to use Zetsu right before impact. Nearly a year into his training with Orgus, Kagayaku begun to develop what Rok would later call Rekai Shiki. Not too long after that, Orgus would be physically crippled by a merciless Rengoku. After getting Orgus to the local clinic, Kagayaku called Rok and explained what he believed happened before booking a undisclosed flight to the southern hemisphere of the known world. Where he would protect his family from himself.[/hider] [u][i][b]Theme Song[/b][/i][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PlSTjgcpa8]Something in The Way[/url][/center] [/hider]