Kijani wrapped herself up in as many of the small blankets she could, sipping at the warm tea. Thank the Force for her gentle-hearted Master. “I… I feel like I still don’t know. I haven’t a clue as to why or how Vader comes into things, but that doesn’t even bear thinking about. So my choices are between Eskel and Adam. Between duty and… my heart.” Because she had come to some very startling conclusions between her vision and coming back to base. One: She was in love with Adam. Two: She still didn’t feel worthy of love. Three: He had probably long since gotten over it and moved on. It was the second she needed to work on. “I’m not sure I should be telling you this, Master Yoda, but Adam confessed that he loved me before he left. I turned him down, because for one thing I don’t know what he could possibly see in me. I still don’t to be honest. But now I realize I made a mistake. I… I just don’t know what to do.” She drank more tea, staring into the rough earthenware mug like it held all of the answers. “Did I mention I had to face down the swamp beast to rescue Prince Eskel earlier? Heh. I can do that, but I can’t make a simple holocall to someone I’ve been dying to speak to for weeks.”