[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean’s smirk raised a bit into a smile as Mika stepped into the room. He pulled his fresh pair of jeans over his feet as she spoke up, “I might be. But I like your leggings…easier to take off than jeans.” He chuckled, and buttoned his jeans as he looked down at her, arms around his waist smirking up him. The sight caused his heart to melt a bit. Maybe it was because they were standing in the middle of their bedroom, that they shared, or maybe it was the fact that she was the only person he seemed to be able to protect in all of this. But her smile brought him a glimmer of hope. Sitting on the bed to pull his boots on, Dean watched her get dressed after she pulled away, absentmindedly tying his boots up slowly. But he had barely noticed she was fully dressed and speaking to him, until he noticed the inflection in her voice asking a question. He raised his eyebrows and snapped his eyes to meet hers with a shrug, “What? Oh…yeah I’m fine. There’s just a lot on the plate, you know? I haven’t had a lot of time to process things.” He stood up after his boots were both tied, and grabbed his duffel bag off the floor, stepping up to Mika’s back. Burying his face in her neck, he sighed deeply, and placed a kiss to her skin, his free hand coming to rest against her hip, “When all this craziness is over, if it’s ever over, me and you are going to take a long vacation.” [h3] Annabeth [/h3] Annabeth couldn’t help but smile widely at Natalia’s enthusiasm. She was already starting to feel safe, mentally around the youngest Winchester, and she couldn’t help but smile when the woman made jokes. She leaned in close to Sam, and sighed glancing up at his face to judge his expression. She simply nodded to him, letting him know that she was fine, just worried about the drive without him, “Should be a good way for some of us to get to know each other, I guess. I haven’t had any time with Mika since…well you know.” Anna furrowed her brow thinking about the fight that was likely going to take place in the Impala and how nasty Dean’s tongue could be when he was angry. There was a reason she was afraid of him. Her experiences with Dean hadn’t exactly been polite ones. She brought her other hand down to reach across Sam’s body and grab his free hand, turning her body to face him, “Are you sure you’re going to be able to ride with your brother without dying in some fiery crash? No fist fighting in the front seat?”, she couldn’t fight back the tiny smirk that curled in the corners of her mouth. [h3] Cason [/h3] Cason reached out and wrapped an arm around Esme’s waist gently, noticing that she was still in a zoned out place in her mind. He gripped her waist a bit and leaned in close to her ear, “You okay? I can drive if you need a minute. I know things got a little heated in here when the angel showed up.” He pulled back and stared at her face for a moment, scanning her eyes before speaking again after reading a bit of her emotion, “Or do you just want to get out of here, now? We have an address. We can take our time.” Cason gave a sweet smile, trying to help project a bit of his own energy onto her as his fingers scrunched the fabric of her shirt, wiggling until he could touch the skin just above her hip with his thumb in small strokes. He softened his gaze and worked on projecting calm as best he could.