Life has all been misery for Humanity after the Vampires had taken over. Vampires have taken over most of the world, many creatures live in fear of vampires as well even werewolves and other magical beings have learned to fear the vampire race. Till the reality of humans had to rise back up and create a peaceful time with all races even with vampires as well. She was a woman that called forth the demand for a society of hunters that would go to war against the bloodthirsty and evil vampires! Other races can join the Hunting Society, Witches, demons, vampires, half-bloods, angels, werewolves, and shapeshifters are all welcome. If you want to be something that's not any of those do discuss it with me and I will see what we can do. Character Sheet [hider= CHARACTER SHEET] Name: Age: Race: History: Personality: Powers{Must be approved by GM} : Picture [/hider] [hider= Lady Loai] Name : loai Drac {uses the Last name Delio} Age : 600 Race : Daphmire Half BLood Vampire Personality: History: WIP POwers: WIP PIcture :WIP [img][/img] [/hider]