[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210827/4ca7f7a5d64f41842b4adedebd9c3a57.png[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1415772342844891144/yd1Ab9bV.jpg[/img] [sub][color=FFBF00][b][i]I have this fear that breeds in me And I don't know where it fits I've got this funny way of acting like I never give a shit[/i][/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hider=Ashlyn Czajkowski][table][row][sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right] [/color][/b][/h3][/sup] [/row][row][cell][center][img]https://www.hawtcelebs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/olivia-scott-welch-for-v-magazine-2021-1.jpg[/img][color=white]___________________________________[/color][/center] [hider=Character Info][color=gray][sup][color=#FFBF00][b]N A M E[/b][/color] - Ashlyn Janeway Czajkowski [color=#FFBF00][b]O N L I N E H A N D L E[/b][/color] - @inexorable [color=#FFBF00][b]N I C K N A M E S[/b][/color] - AJ, Ash [color=#FFBF00][b]A G E[/b][/color] - Seventeen (10-31) [color=#FFBF00][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] - Femme [color=#FFBF00][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color] - Biromantic Bisexual [color=#FFBF00][b]N A T I O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] - American [color=#FFBF00][b]E T H N I C I T Y[/b][/color] - Polish, Swedish [color=#FFBF00][b]P R O V E N A N C E[/b][/color] - Lakewood, CA [/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Appearance][color=gray][sup][color=#FFBF00][b]V O I C E[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMmdAQCA-R8]Click Here[/url] [color=#FFBF00][b]H E I G H T[/b][/color] - 5'6" [color=#FFBF00][b]W E I G H T[/b][/color] - 114 lbs [color=#FFBF00][b]H A I R C O L O R[/b][/color] - Blonde [color=#FFBF00][b]E Y E C O L O R[/b][/color] - Gray [color=#FFBF00][b]B O D Y T Y P E[/b][/color] - Athletic[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Relationships][hider=Love Life][color=gray][sup][color=#FFBF00][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color] - Single [color=#FFBF00][b]C R U S H E S[/b][/color] - Vincent Romano [color=#FFBF00][b]C U R R E N T[/b][/color] - N/A [color=#FFBF00][b]P A S T[/b][/color] - N/A[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Family][color=gray][sup][color=#FFBF00][b]F A T H E R[/b][/color] - Henryk Czajkowski, 53 [color=#FFBF00][b]M O T H E R[/b][/color] - Sarah Nilsson, 53 [color=#FFBF00][b]C O U S I N[/b][/color] - Scout Czajkowski, 17[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Pets][color=gray][sup][color=#FFBF00][b]P E T S[/b][/color] - N/A[/sup][/color][/hider][/hider][center][color=2e2c2c]___________________________________[/color][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#FFBF00][sub][b]L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Alternative Culture. Indie Rock bands. Depressing arthouse films. Whatever she can find that she can find any glimmer of enjoyment in. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Any way to escape. On some days its hanging out underneath the bleachers and letting her thoughts just sweep her away. Othertimes its playing the guitar in the garage and screaming into the void. It depends. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Writing down her thoughts. She doesn’t consider it a dear diary kind of thing. Her therapist told her it was good idea and they happened to be right. On some of the hardest days if she’s not feeling guitar or whatever she can usually rely on some kind of writing. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Watching videos on cryptid shit. She doesn’t believe any of it is real, but the mysteries of certain scenarios that have happened seem kind of neat. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Basketball. Or she used to before her best friend and teammate passed away. She isn't sure if she finds joy in it, but a basketball scholarship to a university could get her away from Long Beach and away from all of the bad memories. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Things that remind her of Britney. Certain movies, hobbies. She still can’t bear to watch what used to be her favorite childhood movie and she’s lost all taste for basketball despite trying to continue on with it. Maybe it's why she's so angry all the time. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Anything and anybody that annoys her. Due to her harsh nature and honesty she will gladly tell them exactly what she thinks and feels. Sometimes it gives her relief from her own anxiety. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Pop music. Largely due to reason number one of things she dislikes but Ashlyn also generally didn’t like it in the first place. If it doesn’t have a guitar in it what’s the point? It doesn’t help that she doesn’t dance. Even in her room. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Popular anime. The anime she happens to like is outsider stuff like most things. Things other people haven’t heard of because it makes her feel superior and well she just doesn’t like the tropes of the average shojo or shonen anime. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Agitating her parents. They work so hard to make a home for her and while she wants to rebel in her own way, they don’t really give her any reason to do so against them. They give her a lot of rope.[/sub][/color] [color=#FFBF00][sub][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr] [color=gray][sub][center]Antagonistic [color=FFBF00][b]|[/b][/color] Anxious [color=FFBF00][b]|[/b][/color] Dismissive [color=FFBF00][b]|[/b][/color] Honest [color=FFBF00][b]|[/b][/color] Sarcastic [color=FFBF00][b]|[/b][/color] Tactless [color=FFBF00][b]|[/b][/color] Unyielding[/center] Honest and enduring, Ashlyn isn’t as prickly as first impressions might suggest. After the loss of family members and her best friend, Britney Cooper, Ashlyn has become very hesitant on seeing the good in… well, anything. The world sucks so she chooses to revel in it. Her best aspects—her honesty, patience, and tolerance—have all been twisted into a tendency for a crass bluntness, harsh sarcasm, and apathetic droning. Her parents honestly don’t know what to do with her and her cousin hasn’t exactly been her biggest fan. There’s still good in her despite it, it’s just about dragging it out. [/sub][/color] [color=#FFBF00][sub][b]B I O G R A P H Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub]Being born on Halloween must've been a curse; or at least that's what it feels like to Ashlyn Czajkowski sometimes. Even before Britney Cooper died in a terrible car accident, Ashlyn had experienced loss. Her older brother, Jonathan, had gotten terminally ill when Ashlyn was in grade school. When you’re not even ten-years-old and you’re attending your own brother’s funeral it can… it can be a bit rough to get through. Fortunately for Ashlyn she had her best friend and teammate, Britney Cooper. A friendship that they had held since the 3rd Grade. Basketball had been the blonde girl’s first love. The first thing she ended up really good at and liked. Britney shared that bond. The two would go on to not only be inseparable best friends but dynamic teammates. Britney showed promise as a talented Point Guard whereas Ashlyn served well as her Shooting Guard. The two of them would take their junior high school team to a national championship. Suffice to say, Ashlyn relied on Britney for a lot more than basketball. However, fate has a way of reminding you how much the world is out to get you. Over the Summer between Junior and Senior Year Britney ended up in a car accident. The details were sketchy. Confusing. But in the end, Britney and two other girls ended up in the hospital on life support after the wreck. None of them made it. The three Delbrook Academy girls would just be faces on a bulletin board memorial. All three of them, not just Britney, were personal friends. Though the loss of Britney stung the hardest. Basketball started to feel different. The world started to feel different. How could Ashlyn proceed without the biggest fixture in her life? It was a hard task. Initially she closed herself off over the Summer. No other friends. She took to her guitar to try to find some kind of way to cope. It didn’t work. It was frustrating. Then there was news about another family member getting sick and a cousin needing to live with them. Ashlyn had many emotions about it all. The universe was a joke. So begins the new year as she tries to force herself to tolerate it. [/sub][/color] [color=#FFBF00][sub][b]S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#FFBF00][b]Y E A R L E V E L[/b][/color] - Senior, Year 12 [color=#FFBF00][b]G P A & A V E R A G E[/b][/color] - 3.3 [color=#FFBF00][b]F A V O R I T E S U B J E C T[/b][/color] - Gothic Literature [color=#FFBF00][b]E L E C T I V E S[/b][/color] - Gothic Literature, Women's Studies, Creative Writing. [color=#FFBF00][b]E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R[/b][/color] - Girl's Basketball, Yearbook [color=#FFBF00][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - As much as it pains her, Ash is the leading scorer on the Girl's Basketball Team and a lot of Ash's plans hinges on tolerating the absence of her best friend on the team. Ash's not good at much but she has to push forward. She also ended up in Yearbook, if only to make sure Britney wouldn't be forgotten or remembered incorrectly. [color=#FFBF00][b]T R A N S P O R T A T I O N[/b][/color] - 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer [color=#FFBF00][b]P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O N[/b][/color] - The goal is and has been to get a basketball scholarship to the best university that isn't in fucking California. She doesn't want to stick around and she'll take the first chance to get away unless something in her changes sometime soon.[/sub][/color] [color=#FFBF00][sub][b]A F T E R S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#FFBF00][b]E M P L O Y M E N T[/b][/color] - N/A [color=FFBF00][b]F A V O R I T E P L A C E S[/b][/color] - TBD [color=#FFBF00][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - Ash used to do part-time jobs in her Junior Year but quit over the Summer. Her parents have not exactly forced her to get a new one given the circumstances. The only thing her parents have demanded is to help Scout get acquainted with school and Long Beach in general. [color=#FFBF00][b]H O M E S W E E T H O M E[/b][/color] - The [url=https://ap.rdcpix.com/2c619e7955b2cfc949a53be590ace60el-m1098379884od-w1024_h768.webp]Czajkowski Residence[/url] is a typical suburban, four bedroom home in Lakewood and has been Ash's home for her whole life.[/sub][/color] [color=#FFBF00][sub][b]O T H E R[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=FFBF00][b]M I S C E L L A N E O U S F A C T S[/b][/color] - Ash's father is a studio musician and her mother is a office manager at a local business firm. [color=#FFBF00][b]T H E M E S O N G[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrRoog3S_TI][i]"Am I Dead Yet?"[/i][/url] by Cayetana [color=FFBF00][b]F A C E C L A I M[/b][/color] - Olivia Scott Welch | [color=#FFBF00]#FFBF00[/color] [color=2e2c2c]____________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sub][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210826/1277c3585d0ace52861b0c03914e8c55.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/z4QQADe.png?1[/img] [sub][color=00FFFF][b][i]I'm not trying to win I'm just trying to finish I don't know when it ends But I'm counting the minutes[/i][/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hider=Kamila Cielo Horowitz][table][row][sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right] [/color][/b][/h3][/sup] [/row][row][cell][center][img]https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp7973906.jpg[/img][color=white]___________________________________[/color][/center] [hider=Character Info][color=gray][sup][color=#00FFFF][b]N A M E[/b][/color] - Kamila Cielo Horowitz [color=#00FFFF][b]O N L I N E H A N D L E[/b][/color] - @imminentvictory [color=#00FFFF][b]N I C K N A M E S[/b][/color] - Kaci, KC, Kam [color=#00FFFF][b]A G E[/b][/color] - Seventeen (02-05) [color=#00FFFF][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] - Femme [color=#00FFFF][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color] - Biromantic Bisexual [color=#00FFFF][b]N A T I O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] - American [color=#00FFFF][b]E T H N I C I T Y[/b][/color] - Jewish, Guatemalan [color=#00FFFF][b]P R O V E N A N C E[/b][/color] - Alamitos Heights, CA [/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Appearance][color=gray][sup][color=#00FFFF][b]V O I C E[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdXWMYg5GGo]Click Here[/url] [color=#00FFFF][b]H E I G H T[/b][/color] - 5'2" [color=#00FFFF][b]W E I G H T[/b][/color] - 106 lbs [color=#00FFFF][b]H A I R C O L O R[/b][/color] - Brunette [color=#00FFFF][b]E Y E C O L O R[/b][/color] - Brown [color=#00FFFF][b]B O D Y T Y P E[/b][/color] - Athletic[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Relationships][hider=Love Life][color=gray][sup][color=#00FFFF][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color] - Single [color=#00FFFF][b]C R U S H E S[/b][/color] - Skylar Vass, Charlotte Thorne, and in the past Rachel Dias. Likely more to come. [color=#00FFFF][b]C U R R E N T[/b][/color] - N/A [color=#00FFFF][b]P A S T[/b][/color] - James Ivanov in Freshman Year. It was fun, but his mom pretty much made that impossible.[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Family][color=gray][sup][color=#00FFFF][b]F A T H E R[/b][/color] - Edward Horowitz, 53 [color=#00FFFF][b]M O T H E R[/b][/color] - María De León, 44 [color=#00FFFF][b]S I S T E R[/b][/color] - Jessica Horowitz, 14 [color=#00FFFF][b]S I S T E R[/b][/color] - Caitlin Horowitz, 11[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Pets][color=gray][sup][color=#00FFFF][b]P E T S[/b][/color] - N/A[/sup][/color][/hider][/hider][center][color=2e2c2c]___________________________________[/color][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#00FFFF][sub][b]L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Parties! Kamila loves a good bender and in a way it allows her to be a little reckless, a little rebellious. She hates the good girl image her parents have of her. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Soccer. If it was considered a school subject it’d be her favorite school subject. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Older movies. She doesn’t know why, but mainstream Hollywood just doesn’t hit the same. In fact, she considers herself a bit of a filmbrain and if someone were to ask her out on a date to see a movie from the 70s she’d probably consider it even if there was no real physical attraction. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Driving, actually. While not being a fan of camping or being away from the city, there’s just something about putting some miles between you and your problems. It relaxes her even though it’s super bad for the environment. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Living in the moment. The future is for schmucks who don’t know how to live their best life. Her dad would disagree so she’s obviously right. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Bland Food! Nothing is worse than something without spice or flavor. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Superhero Movies. The current modern blockbuster format just isn't interesting to her. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Spanish and Jewish stuff. Yeah, yeah, she knows its her [i][b]culture[/b][/i] but she isn't terribly into it. She'd prefer to have her own individual identity than be seen as a latina or jew or whatever. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Jerks. Specifically people who like pushing other people around. It makes Kamila want to snap even though she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She’ll still punch someone in the face if she has to. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Bugs. “The Great Outdoors”. That kind of thing. Bit of a cliché but anything that crawls around is gross and being in the middle of nowhere is not cool at all. In fact, it's kind of lame.[/sub][/color] [color=#00FFFF][sub][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr] [color=gray][sub][center]Bold [color=00FFFF][b]|[/b][/color] Competitive [color=00FFFF][b]|[/b][/color] Friendly [color=00FFFF][b]|[/b][/color] Loyal [color=00FFFF][b]|[/b][/color] Playful [color=00FFFF][b]|[/b][/color] Selfish [color=00FFFF][b]|[/b][/color] Talkative[/center] Kamila has always been a bit of a firecracker. When you need an energetic fixture at an event or simply need someone to rely on, Kamila is a good choice. For some, her high-energy talkative nature is borderline torture but for others it’s exactly what they need. While she’s particularly competitive and bold, she’s not particularly cruel either. In fact, some people assert that the seventeen-year-old doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. The worst aspects of her is how self-assured and oriented she can be or perhaps the fact her bold, playfulness can be seen as exhausting or intrusive. She’s not one to break you down and it’s been her MO despite any adversity she may have experienced. [/sub][/color] [color=#00FFFF][sub][b]B I O G R A P H Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub]Kamila’s life hasn’t been terribly dramatic. Outside of dealing with her younger sisters and her father’s stern expectations everything has been fairly mundane. No deaths, sorrows, terrible breakups (though there have been breakups).[/sub][/color] [color=#00FFFF][sub][b]S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#00FFFF][b]Y E A R L E V E L[/b][/color] - Senior, Year 12 [color=#00FFFF][b]G P A & A V E R A G E[/b][/color] - 3.1 [color=#00FFFF][b]F A V O R I T E S U B J E C T[/b][/color] - N/A [color=#00FFFF][b]E L E C T I V E S[/b][/color] - Sociology, Dance, Cinema Studies. [color=#00FFFF][b]E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R[/b][/color] - Girl's Soccer [color=#00FFFF][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - Edward Horowitz expects his daughter to be excellent. He doesn’t require her to hold a part-time job or be interning for somebody in business. All he wants at this stage of her life is to be looking to her future and a major part of that is to keep her GPA about 3.0. After Soccer and School is taken care of she can do whatever she wants to do. [color=#00FFFF][b]T R A N S P O R T A T I O N[/b][/color] - 2011 Nissan Altima [color=#00FFFF][b]P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O N[/b][/color] - “I don’t know.” Kamila utters before laughing as she tries to deflect the question. While she tries to hide it—it is a question that comes up often at home. She thinks that if she does well in soccer she might continue to see where that leads, but the chances of one day participating on the National Team for something like the Olympics is extremely unlikely. She supposes going to school for something is important, but nothing is really important to her despite being a senior and this being around the time you start applying to colleges and figuring things out. Right now she’s thinking Law School or Medicine but that’s more to do with it’s the only paths that’ll satisfy her father’s ridiculously high bar for her potential.[/sub][/color] [color=#00FFFF][sub][b]A F T E R S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#00FFFF][b]E M P L O Y M E N T[/b][/color] - Cashier, TJ Maxx [color=00FFFF][b]F A V O R I T E P L A C E S[/b][/color] - TBD [color=#00FFFF][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - Her parents give her a lot of free reign at home, but to pay for gas and her own things K.C. works at the TJ Maxx in Los Altos on the weekends. [color=#00FFFF][b]H O M E S W E E T H O M E[/b][/color] - The [url=https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/bfa0c6ee48e8642733d2b486e41f1e33-p_e.jpg]Horowitz Residence[/url] is a moderately well upkept suburban home in Alamitos Heights, relatively in vicinity to Delbrook Academy.[/sub][/color] [color=#00FFFF][sub][b]O T H E R[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=00FFFF][b]M I S C E L L A N E O U S F A C T S[/b][/color] - KC's father is a dentist and her mother teaches Spanish at a junior high school in the area. [color=#00FFFF][b]T H E M E S O N G[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBmpvzkFwBI][i]"The Magic"[/i][/url] by Lola Blanc [color=00FFFF][b]F A C E C L A I M[/b][/color] - Isabela Merced | [color=#00FFFF]#00FFFF[/color] [color=2e2c2c]____________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sub][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210829/2fc015bdcff32e2217f57603afc49b50.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/3fe796b7af5cfc0480a947e82f2b7b5b/44a28ec23e9113cf-64/s400x600/0a4bd5bb5575a84708054cc9acc050cfc1c291ff.jpg[/img] [sub][color=A1346B][b][i]See, someone said, "Don't drink her potions" She'll kiss your neck with no emotions When she's mean, you know you love it 'Cause she tastes so sweet, don't sugarcoat it[/i][/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hider=Amanda 'Mandy' Flanagan][table][row][sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right] [/color][/b][/h3][/sup] [/row][row][cell][center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/7b66c7d7fb0d0bb7e1166a030d64319c/tumblr_p6qmf8xENH1w8j4xbo5_540.png[/img][color=white]___________________________________[/color][/center] [hider=Character Info][color=gray][sup][color=#A1346B][b]N A M E[/b][/color] - Amanda Erica Flanagan [color=#A1346B][b]O N L I N E H A N D L E[/b][/color] - @resplendentgrace [color=#A1346B][b]N I C K N A M E S[/b][/color] - Mandy, Mads [color=#A1346B][b]A G E[/b][/color] - Eighteen (03-21) [color=#A1346B][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] - Femme [color=#A1346B][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color] - Demiromantic Heterosexual [color=#A1346B][b]N A T I O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] - American [color=#A1346B][b]E T H N I C I T Y[/b][/color] - Irish, German [color=#A1346B][b]P R O V E N A N C E[/b][/color] - Carson Park, CA [/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Appearance][color=gray][sup][color=#A1346B][b]V O I C E[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnR41lTjysQ]Click Here[/url] or [url=https://youtu.be/EZ63eOvdClI?t=222]Here[/url] [color=#A1346B][b]H E I G H T[/b][/color] - 5'7" [color=#A1346B][b]W E I G H T[/b][/color] - 118 lbs [color=#A1346B][b]H A I R C O L O R[/b][/color] - Red [color=#A1346B][b]E Y E C O L O R[/b][/color] - Brown [color=#A1346B][b]B O D Y T Y P E[/b][/color] - Toned[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Relationships][hider=Love Life][color=gray][sup][color=#A1346B][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color] - Eternally Single [color=#A1346B][b]C R U S H E S[/b][/color] - N/A [color=#A1346B][b]C U R R E N T[/b][/color] - N/A [color=#A1346B][b]P A S T[/b][/color] - Riley Revels[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Family][color=gray][sup][color=#A1346B][b]F A T H E R[/b][/color] - James Flanagan, 50 [color=#A1346B][b]M O T H E R[/b][/color] - Erica Sanders, 46 [color=#A1346B][b]B R O T H E R[/b][/color] - William Flanagan, 24[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Pets][color=gray][sup][color=#A1346B][b]P E T S[/b][/color] - Hermes, a Jack Russell Terrier[/sup][/color][/hider][/hider][center][color=2e2c2c]___________________________________[/color][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#A1346B][sub][b]L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Acting. It’s her forte. Her design. Her dream. There will be nothing stopping Mandy from being the best actress to come out of the Lakewood area in her mind and she’ll do anything it takes to make that a reality. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Singing. It is important to make it in Hollywood or Broadway to be able to hold a note. That aside, she used to genuinely loved singing and part of her still does. It’s an aspect of a childhood joy she just tries to rationalize. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Literature. Some of the best material comes from the classics. She’s read every Shakespeare available to her at least seven times and can recite them from memory. Also, there’s nothing better than reading something before bed. Kind of a boomer thing but it’s whatevs. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Dogs. What? Dogs rule. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Music of all kinds. This extends [i]especially[/i] to musical theatre. Her favorite artists tend to be ones with impeccable talent and range. Like Mandy. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] People who lack vision. Essentially, anybody who is an obstacle in her ambitions and question her in any way, shape, or form. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] People who get too attached. She’s never been great at romance, though she’s never really met someone on the same wavelength as her. Maybe she’s just being pessimistic. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Gossip. If someone has a problem she’d prefer them to hash it out with her, though if they don’t she has no problem stooping to their level and doing everything she can to ruin their social life and reputation. And she has strings she can pull. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Annoyances. Cringe jokes, people who laugh at their own jokes, and just lame bullshit. She’d rather be around people who are interesting or are interested in her. She can tolerate and put on a fake face for people she finds annoying though—she’s an actress, after all. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Jocks. Sports are silly. Shame that so many of them are cute, but she can't stand their antics.[/sub][/color] [color=#A1346B][sub][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr] [color=gray][sub][center]Arrogant [color=A1346B][b]|[/b][/color] Conceited [color=A1346B][b]|[/b][/color] Charismatic [color=A1346B][b]|[/b][/color] Intelligent [color=A1346B][b]|[/b][/color] Sarcastic [color=A1346B][b]|[/b][/color] Patient [color=A1346B][b]|[/b][/color] Resilient[/center] Mandy has been described as an overachieving snake, but it is a rather unfair distinction. Mandy comes from basically nothing and wants to get away from nothing as soon as possible. She’s exceedingly ambitious and knows how to play the game of high school theatrics (and actual theatrics to boot). The normal approach with Mandy is rather affable and charismatic, often magnetizing people around her and she is generally likeable… if you’re friends with her. She has a lot of confusion about herself and perhaps the reason she takes herself so seriously has to do with her home life… [/sub][/color] [color=#A1346B][sub][b]B I O G R A P H Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub]Sometimes Mandy wonders if somebody replaced her dad with a cliché from the 70s. Heavy smoker and drinker. Mechanic. Abrasive. “Hates everyone equally”. Uses slurs like an insane person. Louder than a TV on his worst days. A hitter. It’s sometimes a wonder why Amanda’s mother hasn’t filed for divorce. The red-haired teenager reflects on it at times and it’s probably why she doesn’t like alcohol or people who consume it very much. As a child she escaped into characters to cope and when her father was in a bad mood she made sure to change her demeanor to one that wouldn’t get him even more upset. It’s a way of life that has not changed, even well into her late teens. The weirdest part is her father has been completely supportive of her efforts on the stage. He says she’s better than her deadbeat brother every chance he can get and when he wants her to do something he reminds her how proud of her he is. Control dynamic. Mandy’s figured it out by this stage of her life, but she figured its better than the alternative. Better to do as asked and be complimented than to not and get a smack in the face. There are times at night she wonders if she should’ve told someone years ago. Probably. It feels too late now. The best route to move on from everything is the silver screen. Hollywood. Or maybe the grandest stages of New York. Acting is her future and her present. It’ll be her way out. [/sub][/color] [color=#A1346B][sub][b]S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#A1346B][b]Y E A R L E V E L[/b][/color] - Senior, Year 12 [color=#A1346B][b]G P A & A V E R A G E[/b][/color] - 3.6 [color=#A1346B][b]F A V O R I T E S U B J E C T[/b][/color] - Drama [color=#A1346B][b]E L E C T I V E S[/b][/color] - Drama, Film Studies, Women's Studies, Works of Shakespeare. [color=#A1346B][b]E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R[/b][/color] - Drama [color=#A1346B][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - Mandy has dedicated herself to Drama and that will not change. She took Choir in middle school but that is but a pleasant memory at this point. Keeping her GPA above 3.5 and excelling in Drama/Theatre is the only thing that matters. [color=#A1346B][b]T R A N S P O R T A T I O N[/b][/color] - 1985 Buick Skyhawk [color=#A1346B][b]P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O N[/b][/color] - Mandy is looking at UCLA, the California Institute of the Arts, Julliard in New York, and other prestigious universities with superb acting programs. California has many options and staying in-state will be preferable since she plans on making a name for herself in Hollywood before she’s 28.[/sub][/color] [color=#A1346B][sub][b]A F T E R S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#A1346B][b]E M P L O Y M E N T[/b][/color] - N/A [color=A1346B][b]F A V O R I T E P L A C E S[/b][/color] - TBD [color=#A1346B][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - Mandy used to do part-time work at her father’s workplace over summers but generally she focuses on her craft after school. [color=#A1346B][b]H O M E S W E E T H O M E[/b][/color] - The [url=https://ap.rdcpix.com/923451b0b1ec43351eca8f3810923423l-m4053878691od-w1024_h768.webp]Flanagan Residence[/url] is a humble two bedroom house in Carson Park.[/sub][/color] [color=#A1346B][sub][b]O T H E R[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=A1346B][b]M I S C E L L A N E O U S F A C T S[/b][/color] - Mandy’s father is a mechanic and her mother is a waitress. [color=#A1346B][b]T H E M E S O N G[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXBHCQYxwr0][i]"Sweet But Psycho"[/i][/url] by Ava Max [color=A1346B][b]F A C E C L A I M[/b][/color] - Madelaine Petsch | [color=#A1346B]#A1346B[/color] [color=2e2c2c]____________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sub][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210829/ffb570b07771c0994fa62aab4ee30bab.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/0418cb2d8d1553173d24ea1deeded913/d70adaa3963f591d-ff/s500x750/51f34fb682d91c915330276f5692ef4e04f922ec.jpg[/img] [sub][color=7272EC][b][i]So if we're not keeping silent If we just let it surface Something surely comes to set us free[/i][/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hider=Yakov 'James' Ivanov][table][row][sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right] [/color][/b][/h3][/sup] [/row][row][cell][center][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8f0b8829219609fb735dea/1611593005142-D29DTOKY8H0ESBUL1EDK/IMG_1227.jpg?format=1000w[/img][color=white]___________________________________[/color][/center] [hider=Character Info][color=gray][sup][color=#7272EC][b]N A M E[/b][/color] - Yakov Olegovich Ivanov [color=#7272EC][b]O N L I N E H A N D L E[/b][/color] - @mynameisjames [color=#7272EC][b]A G E[/b][/color] - Eighteen (12-02) [color=#7272EC][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] - Masc [color=#7272EC][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color] - Heterosexual [color=#7272EC][b]N A T I O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] - American [color=#7272EC][b]E T H N I C I T Y[/b][/color] - Russian [color=#7272EC][b]P R O V E N A N C E[/b][/color] - North Long Beach, CA [/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Appearance][color=gray][sup][color=#7272EC][b]V O I C E[/b][/color] - N/A [color=#7272EC][b]H E I G H T[/b][/color] - 6'0" [color=#7272EC][b]W E I G H T[/b][/color] - 152 lbs [color=#7272EC][b]H A I R C O L O R[/b][/color] - Brown [color=#7272EC][b]E Y E C O L O R[/b][/color] - Hazel [color=#7272EC][b]B O D Y T Y P E[/b][/color] - Athletic[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Relationships][hider=Love Life][color=gray][sup][color=#7272EC][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color] - Single(?) [color=#7272EC][b]C R U S H E S[/b][/color] - Chloe Arkinson [color=#7272EC][b]C U R R E N T[/b][/color] - A smidge complicated considering what Chloe asked James before the end of Junor Year. Is he in a relationship? Something to ask Chloe to be clearer on. [color=#7272EC][b]P A S T[/b][/color] - KC Horowitz. Freshman Year. Didn't work out, obviously.[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Family][color=gray][sup][color=#7272EC][b]F A T H E R[/b][/color] - Mikhail Ivanov, 61 [color=#7272EC][b]M O T H E R[/b][/color] - Dilyana Marinova, 55 [color=#7272EC][b]S I S T E R[/b][/color] - Vanya "Ani" Ivanov, 13[/sup][/color][/hider] [hider=Pets][color=gray][sup][color=#7272EC][b]P E T S[/b][/color] - Alexei, an old Doberman[/sup][/color][/hider][/hider][center][color=2e2c2c]___________________________________[/color][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#7272EC][sub][b]L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Books. In general--not just literature. Facts are just neat to know and sometimes they come in handy, even if other people think they are useless. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Music. Specifically anything with a great drumbeat or inherent rhythm. It's the only instrument James can play. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Public Speaking. He's pretty likeable and feels the most comfortable when speaking in front of a crowd. His anxiety comes from other things, but not things like this. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Outdoorsy stuff. Nature trails, biking, and anything in that area are pretty relaxing. The concrete jungle gets pretty draining sometimes. [color=32cd32][b]✔[/b][/color] Gaming. Though he doesn't as much time as he used to, but he used to have fun with shooters and tactical games. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] High Standards. His parents have them and he doesn't really want to deal with people who aren't his parents who act like his parents. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Russian Jokes. They got old fast. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Disrespect. People who use their voice to disrespect, condescend, patronize, or hurt people deserve a reality check and he’ll gladly give it to them. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Liars. James considers himself pretty forthright and he doesn't see any good to come out of actively being dishonest. There's a difference between keeping quiet about something and lying. [color=FF0000][b]✘[/b][/color] Math. Numbers are neat, but equations seem harder to understand than words for James.[/sub][/color] [color=#7272EC][sub][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr] [color=gray][sub][center]Affable [color=7272EC][b]|[/b][/color] Anxious [color=7272EC][b]|[/b][/color] Humorous [color=7272EC][b]|[/b][/color] Intelligent [color=7272EC][b]|[/b][/color] Outspoken [color=7272EC][b]|[/b][/color] Self-Relient [color=7272EC][b]|[/b][/color] Witty[/center] Sarcastic, well-meaning, and brave, James has always stood by his principles. His father raised him right, though there is a certain anxiety inside James whenever he thinks of his parents. Not because they were particularly abusive, just… high maintenance. James has tried to live up to those expectations as best as he can, though he hasn’t been completely successful. At the very least he came out of it with being able to prevent himself from cracking under the pressure. There are parts of him that are pride-based, though. He doesn’t like asking for help and there are times he really does need it. Call it good old Russian stubbornness. All and all, it’s served him pretty well and James is a pretty likeable guy to be around. [/sub][/color] [color=#7272EC][sub][b]B I O G R A P H Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub]Parents emigrated from the Soviet Union in ’89. It’s a common story. California, bright lights and great futures. For James he’s spent his whole life living up to that potential. Nothing but an “american university” would satisfy daddy dearest and every girlfriend he ever had was heavily interrogated by his mother like she was the actual KGB. No matter how smart or athletic he was James has struggled to meet the perfect quota. He hated it. Call it misdirecting familial angst if you want, but he developed a certain sense of humor. Now with the end of his High School life in the headlights he has to start thinking about the future. There’s sticking to sports, but is James even good enough for an athletic scholarship? He’s not sure. He has confidence issues even if he’s never shown it in his life. But what sort of education would be best if that doesn’t work out? He isn’t sure. God knows his parents don’t have enough money to send him anywhere expensive. Maybe his best chance at an education is joining the army after graduation unless a miracle scholarship comes knocking on his door… [/sub][/color] [color=#7272EC][sub][b]S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#7272EC][b]Y E A R L E V E L[/b][/color] - Senior, Year 12 [color=#7272EC][b]G P A & A V E R A G E[/b][/color] - 3.0 [color=#7272EC][b]F A V O R I T E S U B J E C T[/b][/color] - European History [color=#7272EC][b]E L E C T I V E[/b][/color] - Debate, World Politics, European History, Journalism. [color=#7272EC][b]E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R[/b][/color] - Football [color=#7272EC][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - There's Debate and Football. Unlike others who try Baseball or Basketball in other seasons James doesn't and prefers to focus on that time on the academic end. [color=#7272EC][b]T R A N S P O R T A T I O N[/b][/color] - 2010 Toyota Tacoma [color=#7272EC][b]P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O N[/b][/color] - James has no clue. If no scholarships come he's probably going to join the military.[/sub][/color] [color=#7272EC][sub][b]A F T E R S C H O O L I N F O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=#7272EC][b]E M P L O Y M E N T[/b][/color] - Russian Delights, Cook [color=7272EC][b]F A V O R I T E P L A C E S[/b][/color] - TBD [color=#7272EC][b]R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S[/b][/color] - James has a hefty sum of household chores in addition to working with his dad at their family restaurant when the need arises. He also has to pick up the slack with taking his younger sister to practices when his parents can't. [color=#7272EC][b]H O M E S W E E T H O M E[/b][/color] - The [url=https://ap.rdcpix.com/fbce6e6a30d35466bf1f2cf67ac73cb3l-m446521841od-w1024_h768.webp]Ivanov Residence[/url] is a simple three bedroom house in North Long Beach.[/sub][/color] [color=#7272EC][sub][b]O T H E R[/b][/sub][/color][hr][color=gray][sub][color=7272EC][b]M I S C E L L A N E O U S F A C T S[/b][/color] - James' parents own and operate a local diner in North Long Beach. [color=#7272EC][b]T H E M E S O N G[/b][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OIspQdAjIc][i]"Quiet Storm"[/i][/url] by The Lawrence Arms [color=7272EC][b]F A C E C L A I M[/b][/color] - Nicholas Hamilton | [color=#7272EC]#7272EC[/color] [color=2e2c2c]____________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sub][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/hider]