on the complete opposite end of the murder spectrum from Mister Castle, here comes Cassandra. it's kind of a long one...went under several drafts, haha. But here it is. I've been meaning to write a big fight scene with Cassandra for a while now. I'm sure i'll improve with time and practice. anyway. I've gone ahead and nabbed an obscure Mutant from the X-Men corner of the marvel universe for this next arc. Let me know if that's a problem. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Leon_Nunez_(Earth-616) That tattoo parlor artist lady at the beginning gave Bruno the power of dragons breath with her tattoo by accident. Now it'll be a little bit of a mystery as mutant incidents start increasing in a localized area Batgirl patrols often. And she'll have to save Bruno from the trouble he's in, whatever that ends up being. I've set the Bruno encounter at the end at an undisclosed time so, Cassandra won't be immediately aware of the danger for a while or until I want her too, so she can still be around for other Gotham interactions until she gets distracted by the events of the story beats. Bruno, by the way, is also a gender bent version of an obscured Batman villain that I consider very...poorly designed, lol.