[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/7eBfSNo.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] Asgard Docks [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] Lie Detection [hr][hr][/center] Runa nodded as Bethany put a hand on her shoulder and told her to ignore the glares of the guards. She noticed Edus walk a little closer to her and Lance glaring at the guards in turn. Her eyes watered and she smiled ever so slightly. Her family had even become accustomed to the way people on Asgard treated her, not even Klara had said or done anything about the guards. Runa hadn't even realized how much that had hurt until her new friends huddled around her in support and it meant the world to her, even though the joy was tinged with pain and sorrow. [color=#a81a75]"Thank you,"[/color] Runa told her friends, appreciating their support. She tilted her head slightly as Klara lied as to Loki's whereabouts. Her eyes widened ever so slightly in alarm. She hadn't realized Loki had either been freed or escaped from prison. She bit her lip a bit, figuring that Klara had lied to try to keep the others calm. Klara didn't usually lie unless there was a good reason, and Runa knew she was telling the truth about Loki being cleared from suspicion, so everything ought to have been fine. The ground then shook and Runa's glance went skyward. A streak of light, a beam really, shot up into the sky and vanished. [color=#a81a75]"I agree, that wasn't the Bifrost... Perhaps some wayward spell... or hammer."[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/R0DGpSD.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] Asgard Docks [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Telepathy [hr][hr][/center] Guin noticed the way people huddled around Runa, and that more or less instantly drew her attention to the direction of the looks - some guards. Guin scrunched up her nose, seeing the way that they were glaring at Runa. [color=cc33ff]"Eww, fucking assholes,"[/color] she complained. She wasn't super close with Runa or anything, but Guin hated bullies. They reminded her too much of the people she had gone to boarding school with - judgmental pricks who were really just super jealous that they didn't have an avenger for a father. She was far happier to hear that Loki was locked up and wouldn't be a problem. She didn't want to play the next haunted board game after Jumanji - Zathura (even though in her opinion Zathura was the superior game). [color=cc33ff]"Not to volunteer Pietro for extra work, but he's a speedster. He could search the entire place faster than we could splitting up,"[/color] Guin pointed out. She did really appreciate Pietro's speed searches whenever she lost one of her AirPods - it was a lifesaver. [i][color=cc33ff]And yay, souvenir! Maybe they have a -My daughter went to Asgard and all I got was this stupid t-shirt- sort of thing for my dad.[/color][/i] [color=7ea7d8][i]Wow Guina, I seriously doubt that.[/i][/color] Guin was about to reply, when suddenly the ground shook and Guin grabbed onto Pietro's arm. She had been through a lot already with being thrown into a jail cell and separated from him, she wasn't about to let an Asgardian sinkhole or earthquake or whatever do that. Plus, she didn't trust her ability to run in a dress. [color=cc33ff]"Aww, I missed the sky beam? Lame,"[/color] Guin complained. [color=cc33ff]"But guess that's where we should go. Where there's a sky beam, there's almost always an evil villain with a plan to destroy the world - or worlds, I guess."[/color]