So it turned out there’d be a tournament. Circumstances changed and Dina did not seem interested in the buffs any longer. Mariette nodded, understanding, so she turned back towards her own forces. [color=077ae6]‘We… we must enter the tournament. We have to win back the mirror,’[/color] Mariette declared. [color=c1eb9b]‘This is absurd. That mirror was given to you and we had done everything we could for this ridiculous Christmas, and now we have to battle for it? I will have a word with that ridiculous dolphin, and-’[/color] Lea announced, frowning as she declared, when Mariette leaned in. [color=077ae6]‘I agree. But if we win it legitimately, then nobody here will be able to complain,’[/color] Mariette said, and that did manage to make Lea quiet down. Not that it made her stop scheming, but it did quiet her down. Mariette was satisfied, and sighed out as she looked over her girls. [color=077ae6]‘Right. Who here wants to try Keijo?’[/color] Mariette asked. Numerous hands went into the air. Mayra was as eager as ever, and both Jelena and Victoria were itching for a fight. Ronja was lifting a calm hand, and Suzette also looked pretty eager with her own grin. Tullia was blushing a bit, thinking it over. Josefin was hesitating a bit to raise her hand, and Taihei sighed. [color=4e5478]‘I think I have a few artifacts that would help me win against anyone,’[/color] Taihei declared rather to the point, even if she didn’t actually sound very eager to do Keijo. Notable people that didn’t want to do Keijo was Lea, far too proud, Esther, tree-person without many desires, Olivia, shy non-fighter, and… [color=C5DBE7]‘What a stupid game…’[/color] Freya sighed. She’d just gotten back from having let her inner beast run rampant, and she gets back to…? [color=077ae6]‘Please, Freya… you’re our strongest member…’[/color] Mariette pleaded. [color=fc6828]‘Strongest slammer, but I bet I’d beat her in a no-holds-barred with strength combined with magic, teh-heh,’[/color] Mayra claimed, the dragon-girl’s tail swinging a bit. [color=fc6828]‘But Freya doesn’t want to fight me…’[/color] she then lamented. [color=C5DBE7]‘Eeegh, fine…’[/color] Freya grunted. [color=077ae6]‘Thank you, Freya,’[/color] Mariette nodded thankfully. [color=077ae6]‘Okay, we need to make plans. Let’s talk this through…’[/color] And so, the plotting would begin… [hider=Order the girls would be entered into free slots]1. Freya [sub]stronger physical fighter[/sub] 2. Mayra [sub]strongest all-round fighter[/sub] 3. Ronja [sub]really big butt[/sub] 4. Taihei [sub]has a plan[/sub] 5. Mariette [sub]for the lolz[/sub] 6. Victoria [sub]let’s flood the stage[/sub] 7. Tullia [sub]I have a fun idea[/sub] 8. Jelena [sub]while eager, wouldn’t be a fun fight[/sub] 9. Suzette [sub]is strangely suitable[/sub] 10. Josefin [sub]way better for support, but has a plan[/sub] 11. Olivia [sub]would be frickin’ hilarious, but a free win for her opponent[/sub] 12. Esther [sub]she doesn’t get it[/sub] 13. Lea [sub]this sport is beneath her, but if she must[/sub][/hider] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] After ensuring that Connie was sufficiently calmed down, Gaia would temporarily leave her timid friend in the care of Rose and Iris, while she sought out Mariette. The Daughter of Mother Earth had been meaning to have a small chat with the eyepatch-wearing girl, and she thought it prudent to do so before things spiraled even further out of hand. [color=SpringGreen]“Miss Mariette?”[/color] Gaia would ask the portal witch in a serene and soothing tone. [color=SpringGreen]“Please pardon the intrusion, but would it be possible to speak with you in private for a moment?”[/color] Mariette had just sent all her subordinates to prepare for battle on the battlefield of keijo, but she herself was just not physically capable enough to actually partake, and as such after having sent them off to prepare she was left standing with a somewhat exasperated expression. Perhaps she shouldn’t ever have involved Dan… Then, however, Gaia approached her. Mariette blinked a little at her, but yeah, she had said before she did want to talk. Mariette took a deep breath, then… [color=077ae6]‘Yes, that should be possible. Let’s go somewhere,’[/color] she said, and opened a portal to just outside the place, because Mariette didn’t count on privacy anywhere within the building. Mariette strode out into the snow, decently confidently. Assuming she was followed, she’d then turn around to look expectantly at Gaia. Following Mariette through the portal, Gaia took a moment to look around the small wooded clearing they now found themselves in. [color=SpringGreen]“I believe this shall serve,”[/color] Gaia declared with an approving nod. [color=SpringGreen]“Although perhaps someplace even more secure would be preferable,”[/color] she added, after giving it a bit more thought. [color=SpringGreen]“What I have to discuss may place you in some danger, should the wrong individuals happen to overhear.”[/color] The “wrong individuals”, in this case, being both the Ascendency and Mariette’s own allies, although Gaia wanted to keep that ambiguous for the time being. Mariette took a moment to glance at the building. She then sighed, took a couple seconds to reach way further with her magic, and then opened a portal to a different island altogether, which Mariette then stepped through to be significantly further away from the rest of the people that could potentially eavesdrop. Because they’d left the winter island, they were now in the swimsuit dimension proper… and Mariette’s appearance transformed into the swimsuit she’d worn on the earlier trip here. Not that they were on the beach, Mariette had picked a gathering of palm trees they could hide behind as their spot. [color=077ae6]‘Okay, we’re further away now,’[/color] Mariette declared as she once again turned to look at Gaia. [color=SpringGreen]“Thank you,”[/color] Gaia replied, giving the portal witch a warm smile. [color=SpringGreen]“The matter I wish to speak with you about concerns a cavern beneath Penrose, which a friend and I discovered while cleaning a local waterway of some magical pollution. The cavern contained a sizable garden, cared for by your ally, Lady Esther, as well as a strange portal. As I am well aware of the master you serve, I simply wish to ensure that this portal does not bring any harm to Penrose, or its inhabitants. I am sure we can both agree they have suffered enough these past few months.”[/color] It was that, after all. Mariette sighed again, because she’d received the report about her and Shane’s visit to that portal in the past and had been mentally preparing for the information to leak out to everyone and had been practicing her excuse. Meaning, she had it prepared. [color=077ae6]‘… I’m sorry you had to see that. Okay, so the thing is…’[/color] Mariette gathered her thoughts to see how exactly she could explain this. [color=077ae6]‘Penrose is in the midst of a vortex of magic. It draws monsters, attracts cataclysms and all kinds of bad things happen in town because of it. Honestly, it’s not the safest place for any of us to live in, yet here we are. My patron… my patron wants a piece of that magic,’[/color] Mariette took a brief break to then speak again. [color=077ae6]‘The portal you found gently drains magic from the vortex, feeding my patron. He’s using the vortex of Penrose as a power station, hence my presence in Penrose at all. My job is to keep people occupied, unaware of these portals, so that they don’t break them and shut down his supply of magic. Despite his nature, Asengav is reasonable, he knows just trying to take Penrose would be met with intense opposition. So he’s just going to take what he can without being noticed… or so,’[/color] she said, taking another break. [color=077ae6]‘I’m sure you can agree that, as far as Horror plots go, that’s very much on the lenient side. If at all possible, could you keep what you’ve seen a secret? If people were to go around trying to break those portals, Asengav might take a more… direct approach, and none of us want that. … Okay?’[/color] So Mariette said, looking at Gaia pleadingly. [color=SpringGreen]“I see…”[/color] Gaia replied thoughtfully, holding an elegant finger to her lips. [color=SpringGreen]“If that is indeed the case, I see no reason for it to become an issue. I can assure you that I have kept what I saw in the cave a secret, and shall continue to do so. I shall even ask Shane to do likewise. I must admit, I have no desire to be your enemy. A… mutual acquaintance has informed me of the situation you and your allies are currently in, and I would like to assist you however possible. Indeed, my dearest Connie and I have grown quite fond of Mayra, in particular, and neither of us would want to see anything unfortunate happen to her, or the rest of you, for that matter. So, please,”[/color] she added with a smile, as she gently placed a hand on Mariette’s shoulder. [color=SpringGreen]“If ever you have need of allies outside your core circle of companions, do not hesitate to call upon me. I would be only too happy to help.”[/color] Mariette breathed out lightly in relief that Gaia didn’t take offense to the draining-magic part. She had kept imagining that it was unacceptable, for some reason. She listened closely to Gaia’s words, and a tinge of amusement crossed her that Mayra, of all her subordinates, had managed to gain friends here. That was a bit sweet. The hand on her shoulder initially scared Mariette, because it was easy to imagine an attack coming from it, but Gaia was a kind soul, and it was meant to comfort her. Mariette nodded in reply. [color=077ae6]‘I greatly appreciate it. Thank you, for your offer,’[/color] she said, appreciating allies whenever she could get them. [color=077ae6]‘… If I may ask, who is this mutual acquaintance?’[/color] Mariette asked, because the answer could imply varying levels of knowledge about Mariette’s position. [color=SpringGreen]“You are most welcome,”[/color] Gaia replied with a small giggle. [color=SpringGreen]“And the mutual acquaintance I referred to is Ronin,”[/color] the verdant girl added. [color=SpringGreen]“It is clear that she cares for you a great deal, especially in light of the considerable lengths she has already gone through to help you. You are most fortunate to have such a dedicated friend.”[/color] [color=077ae6]‘Ronin…’[/color] Mariette repeated her name with a slightly sad smile. [color=077ae6]‘Yeah… yeah, I am,’[/color] she said. Then… she looked closely at Gaia. Looking like she might be considering something. At the very least, added her face to a group of friendly people. [color=077ae6]‘Right, anything else?’[/color] Mariette asked. [color=SpringGreen]“That was all, for now,”[/color] Gaia replied. [color=SpringGreen]“It is my fondest hope that everything works out well, regarding the upcoming tournament,”[/color] she added. [color=SpringGreen]“But even if things don’t turn out as planned, just know that you have friends who’ll support you. There’s no need to carry all your burdens alone.”[/color] [color=077ae6]‘… Thank you. That, uh, mirror’s a precious artifact of my patron, I don’t want to think of what he’ll do if I lose it…’[/color] Mariette said with another sigh. [color=077ae6]‘Okay, let’s return. Thank you… once again.’[/color] So Mariette said before she raised her hand and opened a portal back to the winter island.