Jesus, if looks could kill. Ferris wasn't even looking at the woman and he could feel that icy glare still though he did not feel particularly feel sorry for it being directed at Arlo. For some reason he knew that the phony survivalist deserved it. [color=0072bc]"Well I can't say that being stuck with a woodsman such as yourself is a bad thing. I'm sure you'll make great Ursaring bait."[/color] He sarcastically remarked as he glanced around at the group. It seemed like everyone was present more or less, even Botan's overdressed manservant Machamp who was carrying quite the load on his shoulders. Would this group be okay? Two of them looked like they didn't even want to be in a group together and another two were so evidently green as trainers that it was almost painful to watch. Well, it'll work out somehow. The Photographer smirked at what Isla said and chuckled lightly. [color=0072bc]"Heh, looks like they'll just let anyone pair up. I'm sure the wavers we signed at the beginning of this trip is all that they really care about."[/color] Honestly that was probably the case; they did not want to be responsible for someone getting hurt especially if they were someone of the upper echelon of society and had the resources to slap a lawsuit on whoever is sponsoring the trip. At least they were offering supplies and an updated Pokedex for this unknown region. [color=0072bc]"Well this isn't my first foray out into the wild. I've been travelling the world ever since I was a kid and faced all sorts of trainers and Pokemon so I'm pretty confident that I can take on most things even with a disadvantage. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's tracking Pokemon. I specifically photograph Pokemon so I tend to go to some extremes to find what I am looking for though it seems like I'll have to make another team for this region."[/color] He said, lifting his camera to show that it really wasn't for show. [color=0072bc]"Let me just go update my Pokedex and get whatever supplies they offer."[/color] It was definitely the better option; his personal Pokedex was sleek, thin, and easy to carry. The ones that were offered by the crew were cumbersome and frankly, a pain in the ass to carry around on a belt. It would've have been easier to use the app on the phone instead, but considering that this was the only way they could contact with one another. Someone was way more excited to pick up a Pokedex than him; Arlo looked upon it the same way that Ferris himself did when he was ten-years-old. [color=0072bc]"Eh, at least it doesn't talk."[/color] He says, remembering the Rotom Phone. [color=0072bc]"Hey guys, let's exchange numbers and then head out to catch some Pokemon."[/color]