[center][h1][color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color], [color=3CB371]Kristina[/color] & [color=purple]Waverly[/color][/h1] [i]Location: The Akademos[/i] [/center] [hr][hr] Kristina noticed that Sunshine was in trouble, seeing Glob quickly grabbing the ball she started to lift herself into the air and quickly flew over to swoop down and grab the ball. But before she could Glob decided to shove the ball into his body, she stopped for a moment and stared at him. [color=3CB371]"That really doesn't look appetizing.."[/color] She said and started to cringe slightly as she quickly shoved her hand inside Glob feeling around his insides a bit before finding the ball and quickly grabbed onto it, and yanked it out of him as quickly as she could. [color=3CB371]"Ewww no offense."[/color] [color=purple]”Erm, I’m not sure bleeding should be the sole qualification for what is considered maiming,”[/color] Waverley called out from her position closer to their goal. [i]‘Mainly because most of you don’t seem to have blood,’[/i] was the unspoken part of the statement, but she felt it was clear enough as an implication. She then turned her mind away from the single rule of the game, instead focusing on playing it. She reached her mind out to No-Girl, feeling for any sort of radio waves her container (body?) might be emitting or receiving, but found none. Glob's eyes widened as Kristina stuck her hand inside of him - "Hey!" he snapped. "I didn't consent to that! And offense taken, how'd you like it if I stuck my hands inside of you?!" he complained, his eyes watering slightly. Marrow was still a prisoner of No-Girl's psychic hold, but Kristina causing Glob to cry broke Cosmar's concentration, causing Sunshine to collapse to the ground, a normal mutant girl once again. "You can't just stick your hands in people!" Cosmar shouted at Kristina. "That's such a flatscan thing to do, ugh, shitty human passers!" Cosmar cursed, before turning her powers against Kris. The next thing Kris would know, she would feel and look like a giant noodle, struggling to move. Kristina looked between Glob and Cosmar as the two of them started to yell at her for what she had done, how was she even suppose to grab the ball in the first place anyway if it was inside of him? [color=3CB371]"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."[/color] Kristina said backing up slightly as Cosmar suddenly used her powers on her, loosing balance completely and landed onto the ground with a thud, unable to really move. [color=purple]”She’s really SORRY!”[/color] Waverley shouted from across the field, hoping to transform the emphasized ‘sorry’ into a sonic assault on the opposing team. It…was less than successful, ending in a rather awkwardly toned shouted apology. She was quiet for an equally awkward amount of time. [color=purple]”Er…that was supposed to do something,”[/color] she admits, before raising her hand out in front of her. She focused her mind on her forefinger and thumb as they came together in a snap, ending in a sort of finger gun pointing at the ball. She concentrated and amplified the sound into a thin sonic blast, sounding more like a whip than a snap as it hit the ball. It too wasn’t all that impressive, but it managed to make the ball bounce closer to the goal, though not quite there. Her eyes shot to the others in her team, looking for someone to help. [color=purple]”Stareyes, do your eye thing!”[/color] Glob seemed slightly comforted by the apologies. Sunshine got up from the ground and flung several balls of disease at the opposing team, trying to clear a path for either Stareyes or Feedback to bring about a victory. Poor Marrow was still being held in a psychic hold. Sunshine's disease bombs connected, but they were too mild to do much, just giving Cosmar and Glob a mild sneeze. [color=#DAF7A6]"What she said!"[/color] Sunshine chimed in - they were soooo close! Kristina slowly started to get back up as she looked towards the others seeing that Marrow was still under the weird trance like state. [color=87d0f2]"Someone should go and help Marrow."[/color] Kristina said as she turned to see where the ball was, and then focused on it somewhat before firing off an eye blast directly at the ball watching it going flying and landing into the goal itself. She couldn't help but smile towards Sunshine, Waverly and Marrow, that she managed to score a point. Waverley watched frozen with bated breath as Stareyes aimed her pupils at the ball, shot a pair of bright lasers at the ball, and sent it flying through the air…and into the goal! [color=PURPLE]”WOOHOO! HELL YEAH! THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!”[/color] Waverley shouted excitedly, grin spread across her lips as she pumped her arm into the air. Was this what doing sports was like? It wasn’t too bad, she supposed. Then a question dawned on her mind, and she slowly lowered her arm, tilting her head as her smile lessened. [color=Purple]“Er…how many points to win? Is it just one?”[/color] Marrow didn't so much free herself as No-Girl became exhausted from the effort. [color=#DAF7A6]"It's three points to win, and that's one!"[/color] Sunshine called out, giggling madly. The game used to take ten points to win, but most people were pretty exhausted (and injured) by the time a team had scored ten. "Come on, girls, let's finish this!" Marrow cheered, ready for the next round.