Well, I ended up making my half-breed anyways....so here it is. [hider=The Forsaken] Aeronwen ⋆ 26 ⋆ Female ⋆ Fairy/Human [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/013/994/053/large/jang-giin-somnal-01.jpg?1542008137[/img] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Appearance Height: 6' Weight: 172 lbs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Pale Blue Skin Tone: Pale Ash Other Images [hider=My Hider] Her Ice/Water Armor [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/97/c7/f297c797bacee404fa005be77b2fb772.jpg[/img] Formal wear (if it's ever needed) [img]https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/155/732/png-clipart-fairy-fantasy-art-goth-subculture-elf-fairy-legendary-creature-black-hair-thumbnail.png[/img] [/hider] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Psychology Likes: ⋆ Quiet ⋆ Glaciers ⋆ Hot Baths Dislikes: ⋆ Crowds ⋆ Living horses (Smell bad) ⋆ Living people (also smell bad) Fears: ⋆ Clowns ⋆ Being hunted down ⋆ Cats Sexuality: Bisexual Personality: Aeron, as she is known to friends, if she had any that is, Is extremely introverted. Though it manifests as extreme hostility rather than awkwardness. She is selfish to her core, not because she is inherently a bad person, but because she has been hunted down due to her father's blood. And when your life is on the line you have very little time for altruism. Due to being kicked to the ground, beaten, and even having her wings torn from her back, Aeron has long since followed the ideology of an eye for an eye. Aeron, as having no one on her side since her mother was hanged for sleeping with a human, has no one to fight for except herself. And now, after years of running she has decided to stop. No longer will she flee. For with the endless seas of the north at her beck and call she will march upon her enemies. (I want to make her into some kind of big bad if that's cool) While extremely irritable, Aeron does know when to stay her hand for the most damage. While she used to get anxious at being found out, she has since discarded those useless thoughts. She is neither brave nor cowardly, for she will simply do what needs to be done. (In her view at least). She is used to being lied and tricked and will therefore react as such to most situations, but if one came to her in sincerity and truth, she might not be able to process it. While having mastered the art of intimidation, Aeron cannot lie effectively. But who needs to be able to lie when you can just send messages with said lies? Nor can she charm or strike a friendly conversation even if she wanted to. While not the most intelligent, her tumultuous upbringing has resulted in her having the utmost attention to detail and a memory that can rival most scholars. Due to having no friends to speak of Aeron's humour has become quite dark and twisted. There are some who would say it's even dry. While not quite tired, Aeron does suffer from wicked insomnia and usually only gets about four hours of sleep a night. (If you count her attempted to raise an army to march south as being crazy, then yes, she's crazy) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Background Occupation Former - Thief/Beggar Current - Aspiring Dark Queen :) Living Immediate Family Members: None Dead Immediate Family Members: William Brenning, Father, Accomplished woodsman before he was pulled over Anne Wuth'el, Mother, Ice Raiser (Built structures with ice) Current Companions: Mulph (A large white wolf) Crossus (A nimble raven) Current and Past Lover(s): None History: Born to two loving parents, both from places worlds apart. My father, a human, damn him and his cursed blood. And my mother, one of the fairest Winter Faeries. That is if the stories told in the bars are true. But who knows? I don't remember my mother well. Just a pale form covered in red. Now, I knew what that meant, my father never let me forget. How could he? We were on the run, and for what? Because my father was human? No, I wish. If that was the case then maybe they'd stop with him. No, we were hunted because my mother had me. The tainted child. The cursed half-breed. Once again if the drunkards were to be believed, then I was the cause and source of every single ache and groan that their bodies made. Somehow, to them, I had become pestilence and death itself. Well, they already made me it, didn't they? So, why don't I become Pestilence and Death. Don't worry, the North will march, and let no living thing think it's safe. My father taught me. Did he teach me well? No, but he taught me hard. Forced me to learn my magic. Tried to get me to learn more. The crazed man even struck my hand in a flame once to try and force me to learn fire magic. HA! Though, the biggest shock came shortly after. He had bribed a healer to stay quiet, though when she went to do her job, nothing happened. Infuriated, for that is the kind of man he became, a cruel drunkard, my father forced her to work harder. And harder she did, until the very skin around the burn started to rot away. I will never forget that pain, nor will I ever lose the scar that covers my right palm. I still can't stretch my hand fully because of it. My body is full of those. Pains. My back is constantly tight, and I can't wear heavy jackets because of my stumps. You would think that after several years the pain of having them torn from you would disappear, but no. I still wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, hoping to be able to fly once more. No, they were taken from me, like my father was, curse him. I was not worthy of them, as a dirty half-breed. That was the first day I took a life. My father tried to prepare me for it. He had me kill elk and fish. Even had me kill a wolf once. That was hard, because I could hear it's acceptance, feel it in my bones. I was not prepared. There is something qualitatively different about killing another thinking individual then there is killing an animal. But I killed him. I killed the man who took my wings. I killed him and everyone else in that tiny village. Including the babes. I wept the most for them. I had thought myself darkened to the plights of those around me, but it wasn't until I saw those babes, frozen in their mothers arms, that my heart finally stopped beating. You might ask, how did I freeze winter elves? Well, unlike humans, winter elves are not themselves immune to their elements. A traight that I happened to pick up from my father. It was strange, to not fear things that any sane person should. I did not fear the long nights nor the glacial seas. No, they are the only friends I have. That is, of course, not including Mulph and Crossus, a wolf and raven respectively. They seem to be the only kinds of animals I can speak with, another deficiency of mine. Well, you might ask what I did after that fateful day. I fled. North, as far as I could go. Mulph and Crossus gathered more of their kind around me. They knew I had changed. I was no longer a person, for what person could murder innocent babes. No, I was Death, that very same think those drunkards so long ago called me, not even knowing I sat next to them. So I fled with these beasts that would see themselves lashed to me. I captured prisoners on my trek north. Shackled them in manacles of ice and forced them to move with wolves nipping at their heels. The was one of curiosity to me. An orc, he seemed older then most, though intelligent. I kept him away from the others and we would often speak at length. It was from him that I learned of the orcish ritual magic, and of how it strengthened them. When we finally reached the sea and could flee no longer I pushed my magic to it's current limits. Never had I done so before. Never had the very fabric of the world seemed to sing with me. It was joyous, elated, that one of it's children could sing so loudly. And it moved. The world shifted. The snow stopped in the air, the waves paused in the ocean. and from it depths a great iceberg rose. A frozen fortress upon the water. My wolves forced my prisoners within it's icy depths. While I did not need to worry about the harshness, my prisoners did, so I forced my magic to moved the coldness away from them. They would still be chilly, but they would not freeze. Unseen by the forces that chased me, we left. We sailed north in my frozen castle. We fed on great whales and orcas that I hunted with my magic. My wolves grew large and strong, my Ravens fast and nimble. Though while most of my prisoners would die, a few managed to have children in the interim years of our voyage. Those children survived. I will raise those children, and they will be my warriors, loyal to none but me. The old orc eventually died, but not until I learned much of his rituals. I have not cracked them yet, but I will. And I will use them upon my beasts and soldiers. The old orc even spoke of another ritual, though it was mostly guesswork and hypothesizing. A ritual unlike any other. A ritual to raise legions. A ritual to raise the dead. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Combat and Magic: Strength: 5 Speed on Land: 5 Speed in Air: 0 Magical Ability: 10 Dexterity: 6 Weapon Proficiency: 5 Stealth: 2 Subspecies Winter Fairy/Human Abilities Crykinesis/Hydrokinesis (Her human blood makes her power over ice and water stronger than other faeries) Like other faeries, Aeron can speak to animals, though only two. Ravens and wolves. No other animal seems to able to hear her. Weaknesses *Due to her half-blooded nature and history, Aeron has weaknesses slightly different then most Fairies and humans* First of all, she cannot fly and is in some sort of constant pain from the jagged stumps of her wings. She is unable to practice any kind of magic besides Cryokinesis and Hydrokinesis She is weak to iron and most other lesser metals such as copper and tin. (She can use bronze though, strangely enough) Now the strangest twist of her birth makes healing magic useless on her. She still has no idea why it does nothing, and trying to force healing magic into her body actually causes slight necrosis in the affected area. Due to this, she also cannot heal like other faeries. [/hider] Oh, and yes, I am aware that if I get to play this character that she is an evil character and will most likely get killed. I'll be coming into the RP with that understanding and I won't be upset when her time finally comes.