[center][img]https://static.thenounproject.com/png/2069878-200.png[/img][/Center] The party was proceeding surprisingly well for such a gathering of...less than brave people. At least the dolphin seemed to go on his way of not enforcing a distinctive lack of violence. The Allfather mused as he drank. His servants were... well, all scattered. Reginleif had been a little too shrew, but she, too had faded eventually. The downside is that there was no one to pour drinks for him. His eyes rested on a female figure who had been equally neglected and had nearly faded onto obscurity. [color=7ea7d8]"Puchuu, serve me.” [/color]The norse god commanded at Umukamui, still clad in her female form. The Puchuu seemed to not react, before deciding that acting servile to a norse god wasn't really that bad as opposed to snubbing one. She just began to pour the drink with a neutral face. "Lord Odin..." She said. [color=7ea7d8]"This party has been quite a bit tricky for our servants, has it not? Mine are all over the place... and yours... are all over the place too."[/color] He chuckled, remembering Umukamui of both Lily and Sakura's less than stellar performances. "It is as you say." [color=7ea7d8]"Mmm"[/color] He muttered, a hand on his beard. [color=7ea7d8]"Have you ever heard... of the fourth wall?"[/color] "In books, yes." [color=7ea7d8]"In books. It is a most intriguing device. Often times it can offer a fresh view, and engage the public. But if you overdo it, the entire cosmos of the play unravels. A most ...unpleasant consequence."[/color] The norse god went on muttering. [color=7ea7d8]"I do like proper stories, though. Of hapzard fools, ignorant and fumbling, that they eventually reach greatness."[/color] "You did create a world out of Ymir." The puchuu would drone. [color=7ea7d8]"Well learned, I do like that."[/color] The norse god would finish his cup, and stare at the spectacle. [color=7ea7d8]"We're more alike than you think."[/color] "Pardon?" [color=7ea7d8]"Nevermind, just an out of place comment. The valhallan brew is still strong, you see."[/color] The god would then stare at the Puchuu's eyes. [color=7ea7d8]"Would you care to conduct... a certain business?"[/color] "Always." Umukamui would look at the deity with unabased interest... or she would, had not a certain downcast youth hobbled towards the couple. "You have power, have you not, titty-rat?" It was the downtrodden and dishevelled Sakura, having left Emily. "...I am discussing important business with Lord Odin, Sakura." The puchuu would reply, a steely gaze aimed at the interloper. [color=7ea7d8]"I do not mind. Go ahead, childe of Izanagi."[/color] Odin would muse, snatching the jug out of Umukamui and serving him another cup. "Could you please turn me back into a loli?" It was then when Odin [i]spit his drink[/i], racuous laughter rumbling from his belly. "That which you regained through tricky methods? It would be my pleasure." Umukamui said. "May I ask why?" "It seems that the wish made me...arrogant...I hurt my friend...I would offer a pinky, but those grow back now." Odin himself was still laughing out loud. "...I see. Well. I certainly can accomodate. Easily." It was then when the Puchuu snapped her fingers, as the energies around Sakura unraveled, showing a new [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2725294]look[/url]. A residual set of sparkles condensed on the Puchuu's hand, the crystallization of the masculinity wish. Sakura herself nodded to Umukamui before attempting to leave. [color=7ea7d8]"Wait, former man."[/color] It was Odin's turn to talk. [color=7ea7d8]"That was a worthy sacrifice, and it was done within my gaze, so you shall receive a favour from me. Seek Sanngridr. She has... an unique power if you want to do good for this party."[/color] Umukamui looked at Odin once more, before arching an eyebrow. [color=7ea7d8]"Another drink?"[/color] Odin would rattle his cup once more.[color=7ea7d8]"Before we get down to the real business?"[/color] The puchuu obliged.