Name : Richard Eviak Race : Daphmire Age : 500 POwers - Necromancy -Summon the dead or those he has consumed to his aid -Umberkensis- Contro, shadows with his mind, enough to create sheilds or throw people out of harms way or create weapons. - Resourcefulness Enhancement - resources include mechanical, technological, natural, environmental, instrumental, social, human, mental, psychological, physical, spiritual, financial, artistic, knowledge, information, skills, tools, talents, experiences, feelings, energy, time, science, relationships. He has been around a long time so he knows how to make things become good. PIcture [img][/img] Name : Rose Valin Race : Pheonix Age : 3 Eons Old, 3 Billon Years old, Older then creation of Earth Powers Pheonix Scream - The scream of the Pheonix said to conbust her into flames enough to burn a radius around 50 yards and burn all those around her to ash Phenox True Form - Able to turn into her true form a massive thirty foot tall Fire Bird with Wings that could incinerate miles of land merely by being near her Goddess Command - Command over fire and anything with life and death cycle, she is a goddess which not even death will argue with. For she has been around long before the concept of death was even around. [img][/img] Name : Ava Skylord Age : 6,000 Race : Drakon, Sciientic Dragon Experiment by Nazi's Powers Tech Magic Infusion - Can infuse magic and Technolgy together to create more powerful weapons by her side Drakon Form - Unlike Dragons, Drakons are massive creatures with scale-like skin with harder plates around neck chest, and underside. The wings on drakons are often more like bats and very soft and easy to harm. Core Elemental Control - Her core is controlled by whatever elemental core she needs will fuel the power she can use, Often its either Lightning, Air or Solar enegery. [img][/img] Name : Tenzi Fenris Age : 9000 Race : First Daughter of Fenrir The Great Wolf GOd, Is the mother of werewolves Powers - Lycon Bite - Being the First of werewolves, she was the mother of the bite that infected humans and made them into werewolves. - BloodThirst Full Moon - Full Moon is her most dangerous time as she will go bloodthirsty and become twice as fast and three times stronger then normal Command over Wolves and LYcons- Control over Lycons and wolves as she is the mother she knows all of them without ever actually meeting them. [img][/img] Name : Erbis Age: As long as the emotion of Fear has begun Race : Eternal Entity Powers Fear Enducement - His eyes or voice can create dread and terror in anyone that's hears it or looks into his eyes Fear Aura - Standing near him creates the feeling of needing to run away Fear Control - Can control others abilities over their own fear [img][/img] Name : Gabriel Race : Archangel Age : Unknown before creation of earth [img][/img]