The [i]Plousious’[/i] contingent stands as a unified spectrum of cautious, faded blue. The gesture of ignorant foreigners who, nevertheless, strive to meet the customs of their host. The Order representatives carry their color as yet another shield, blending the new color with their old symbols in a way that both marks them as members of the crew, and further obscures their markings of rank. Standing aside from them, Coherents proudly display their blue hides and matching augmentations. A grand gesture, diminished somewhat by the several more ostentatious modifications that had been soundly vetoed. And at the center of them all, a little sheep, dressed the brightest of them all but still respectfully below the satrap, and a guard of honor around him. At his right hand, a lioness, politely glaring at the senator before him. Out of all the wonders of this court, Vasilia standing at [i]his[/i] right threatened to upset his balance every time he noticed. It was good they’d practiced beforehand, or else he might have lost his wits at the first hurdle. But his own words came to mind readily, for a Captain ought to take their own orders seriously: Senator Thist sought to entangle them. So, he would not engage. Instead, he turns to a servant, the very one who’d shown them into the satrap’s chambers. “Pardon me, but could you tell me what she’s talking about?” he asks, making no effort to hide his conversation or its contents. “‘Scout’ that what you would call a starship? Is she speaking of the [i]Plousious[/i]?” A good servant took care when answering a guest’s question, lest they complicate the business of the Master. The worst questions were the ones where you could discern no malice, and thus, the machinations you found yourself in were far more perilous than you could even imagine. But the best sorts of questions were the ones where you could discern no malice, for the question was simple, and the asker was curious, and no guile could possibly exist here. To the servant, Dolce asks as he always liked to be asked; with refreshing honesty, and simple curiosity. [Triggering Heroes of the People to auto-hit a Speak Softly, asking: What can they tell us about the incident Senator Thist is going on about?]