[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/552541122153414703/876908249440469063/unknown.png[/img][/center] Banner grimaced. It was like the Hulk was crawling underneath his skin, just dying to dig his way out. He had never realised how uncomfortable the change was, it was usually a flash of discomfort and pain but then it was passed as he was consumed and transformed. Receding into... nothingness. The back of Hulks mind? He wasn't really sure where his consciousness went when he changed. This, however, was like someone took a hot iron and put it into his brain while insects crawled all over his body and underneath his skin. He couldn't give in though, not yet. Peter and Jen still needed Bruce Banner more than the Hulk. He was sure Hulks time would come, whether he liked it or not. [color=#2A9300]"Yes Spider-Man, try to get up high. We want a -ugh- clear a path as possible to the tower. The longer we can avoid a fight the longer I can stay myself and try to figure this thing out logically." [/color] There was a booming just up ahead, it was rhythmic. That's when he realised that it was [I]footsteps[/i]. A large silhouette appeared through the green fog that covered everything in sight. A low chuckle echoed eerily, one that Banner recognised all too well. [color=#2A9300][i]"Blonsky[/i][/color] "We've been waiting for you [I]Bruce[/i]. He said you'd come-" The [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/7/72/Abomination.png/revision/latest?cb=20151006052742]figure[/url] appeared through the fog. "-and here you are. Just couldn't resist playing the hero again." He eyed the suited Spider-man and She-Hulk up before focusing his attention back to Banner. "And with friends! Perhaps after I've beaten you to pulp the little Spider can give me some alone time with this girlfriend of yours." He gave a ghoulish wink towards She-Hulk. Bruce stepped forward, turning to Peter as he did so. [color=#2A9300]"Get out of here, I'll deal with this."[/color] He tossed his bag of equipment to Peter. [color=#2A9300]"Take this, find whatever causing this and shut it down."[/color] His skin started to turn green as he turned back to Jennifer. [color=#2A9300]"Get him there. You're doing to need him."[/color] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/881857682057875456/unknown.png]His armour flared, the gamma inhibitors flaring green as his outer clothes ripped away. He doubled over, convulsing as he grew taller, broader, stronger. Until he stood transformed.[/url] "Come at me [I]Banner[/i]" Hulk slammed his fists on the ground, a shake that would be felt outside and far beyond the dome as he roared towards Blonsky. [h3][color=#2A9300][b]"No Banner! ONLY HULK!"[/b][/color][/h3]