[center][h1]Bleach OCs[/h1][/center] [hider=Shin]Name: Shin Kageyasu Gender: Male Age: 365 Appearance: Shin stands at 6’2” tall with a head of crop cut green hair and a handsome face framed by high cheekbones and a square jaw. With his iridescent green eyes, he’s hard to forget with his lean and muscular build. Personality: Shin’s personality is like two sides of a coin, one side being calm, relaxed and fun while the other is stern, no nonsense and tactical. It simply depends on if he’s out and in a fight or out and hanging with his squad. Many argue that due to this, he would have fit in better in Squad 11. Clan: None Rank: Fourth Seat Power Level: While ranked as the fourth seat in Squad 5, his power is easily Captain or higher, especially due to his unique Zanpakuto. Squad: 5 [hider=Zanpakuto] [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/54137839-8f3a-45fc-a82a-6838a897e704.jpg]Sealed Form[/url] Shikai Form- [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/be71e180-1ff9-4e91-91c1-195033090c16.jpg]“Erupt, Doreiku!”[/url]- While visibly, there isn’t a lot of change between the Sealed and Shikai forms, the important thing to know is that Shin’s Shikai form allows for what he calls “gunfire draws.” Compressing his spiritual pressure into a special mechanism in the redesigned sheath, he pulls a trigger on it to unleash hard and fast draw attacks with immense power. A more passive effect is that Shin is able to move and strike faster. Bankai Form- Named [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/580d0f46-1bf8-49a2-9edb-50fd951b7b5f.jpg]Faia Doreiku[/url], this also changes Shin’s appearance from the traditional Soul Reaper attire to something you’d [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7a07b7fa-434a-4377-8ddf-e9aeae4d08a7.jpg]see in the World of the Living[/url]. Trading some of the speed gained in the Shikai form for power and enhanced defense, this form uses bursts of spiritual pressure to enhance blows and make them capable of breaking through even the most stalwart defenses while also enhancing Shin’s defensive power, making him much tougher. He can also use short range Kido attacks with it and several other techniques unique to the Bankai.[/hider] [hider=Zanpakuto Spirit] Name: Doreiku Gender: Female Personality: Flirty with a dash of sadistic, Doreiku takes no crap and gives no care for anyone but her partner. Appearance: [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9e4a1354-3ec8-4ecb-9195-e6c08aa9ee1d.jpg[/img] Stands at approximately 6 feet tall.[/hider] Backstory: Shin Kageyasu was born in the Junrinan district of the western Rukon District. Growing up hearing about the Seireitei and the Soul Reapers who defended it, he enlisted in the Soul Reaper Academy as quickly as he possibly could. He had visited rougher districts as he grew up and so he was confident that he could handle anything that the training threw at him, but between all the Zenjutsu lessons and forms to the Kido chants and such, he had as much of a grueling time as any of the other souls there, though he did seem to be a bit of a prodigy in Zenjutsu. Graduating near the top of his class, he was hand picked for Squad 5 and was given a Seated Officer’s position after a short time, within weeks of awakening his Shikai, though it was still fifty years after joining the squad, which led to him working towards the fabled Bankai. Ten years of work was what was required of him and he accepted that. After all, he’d already spent large chunks of time just learning to become a Soul Reaper, so what was one more decade to be able to challenge a Captain if he wanted to. His Zanpakuto’s spirit, Doreiku, was not necessarily cooperative and wanted him to prove himself worthy of a fully unlocked, complete bankai, so what would normally only take one decade for a dedicated Soul Reaper to achieve instead took Shin two and some change, but when he finally achieved it, no one was properly prepared for the power that it would be or unleash. From there, he was allowed to take higher danger missions for hunting Hollows and was even entrusted to lead excursions into Hueco Mundo to help keep the Menos Grande populations under control. He was offered a chance to become the Captain of another squad who’s captain was retiring soon, but he declined, saying he preferred to catch an opponent off guard with his power while they assume it’s lower due to his rank.[/hider]